DATE | 2009-04-19 |
FROM | einker
SUBJECT | Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Fwd: 2009 Adirondack Fishing Guide
From Sun Apr 19 12:07:57 2009 Received: from (localhost []) by (8.13.1/8.13.1/SuSE Linux 0.7) with ESMTP id n3JG7tuv026443 for ; Sun, 19 Apr 2009 12:07:57 -0400 Received: (from majordomo-at-localhost) by (8.13.1/8.13.1/Submit) id n3JG7tQn026442 for hangout-outgoings; Sun, 19 Apr 2009 12:07:55 -0400 X-Authentication-Warning: majordomo set sender to using -f Received: from ( []) by (8.13.1/8.13.1/SuSE Linux 0.7) with ESMTP id n3JG7qR6026437 for ; Sun, 19 Apr 2009 12:07:54 -0400 Received: by gxk9 with SMTP id 9so3901280gxk.4 for ; Sun, 19 Apr 2009 09:07:47 -0700 (PDT) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=gamma; h=domainkey-signature:mime-version:received:in-reply-to:references :date:message-id:subject:from:to:content-type; bh=BFNoiCoTVM8MmoVJ8laq8BnovJqJJo3vPrmceN0pJ1A=; b=L3E8okoWDukfpt7KBBhUq0kOpiLaUvpixoY95idfdPLLH0YfLYp+pc8jg3SqvK27hq mMwDWXdxU6BzRpdRyypd2MmEmSeq49zJRTPOeoMb9Ua4c2bvq6uGGFi+2uu8ob94If1g Dve3PJldVnDdnFvLtmYCA9udsOGP/uWPecCRs= DomainKey-Signature: a=rsa-sha1; c=nofws;; s=gamma; h=mime-version:in-reply-to:references:date:message-id:subject:from:to :content-type; b=VRtuqlqQb+0nJVPiGuWpze3+/zxqTbgs+WIP6V+Ffnn65cxxPP46j0M1hwm3Fd5zEk r1Ftc0rAWGB3OQK6P7WN91EIVOrw9e7E7UMwtnhO4JMJZW9pDgfhLoLqIMbgvukd9LLt qHCNtj4ezjLU0vPZyXFgBl7aByNl3OfqD7czM= MIME-Version: 1.0 Received: by with SMTP id d13mr4504616ybk.197.1240157267048; Sun, 19 Apr 2009 09:07:47 -0700 (PDT) In-Reply-To: <15465611.4539141239980282936.JavaMail.ADWORKSHOP4$-at-ADWORKSHOP4> References: <15465611.4539141239980282936.JavaMail.ADWORKSHOP4$-at-ADWORKSHOP4> Date: Sun, 19 Apr 2009 12:07:47 -0400 Message-ID: <> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Fwd: 2009 Adirondack Fishing Guide From: einker To: Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=0015174c0eba5e3bb60467ea9d0f Sender: Precedence: bulk Reply-To:
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Just thought we may be able to do a Summer trip ...
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: The Adirondack Region Date: Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 10:58 AM Subject: 2009 Adirondack Fishing Guide To:
If you have trouble viewing this email, click here .
CALL OR CLICKFor your free fishing guide: 1.800.487.6867
See these photos taken by Adirondack visitors, and many more, at Get 21 maps with tips on every catchable species. Learn the secrets of the 3,000 lakes and ponds and 10,000 miles of Adirondack rivers and streams. Just click to request your FREE Fishing Guide and Map .
You are receiving this email because you requested email information from a website belonging to The Adirondack Region.
If you have received this email in error or wish to be removed from our mailing list all together, click here, or contact us at The Adirondack Region P.O. Box 2149 Plattsburgh, NY 12901
-- Regards,
Evan M. Inker
--0015174c0eba5e3bb60467ea9d0f Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Just thought we may be able to do a Summer trip ...
ail_quote">---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: il_sendername">The Adirondack Region <"> gt;Date: Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 10:58 AM Subject: 2009 Adirondack Fishing Gui= de To:>  85621.gif" style=3D"border: medium none ;" height=3D"1" width=3D"1">=20 =20 =20 dth=3D"599">padding=3D"0" cellspacing=3D"0">: 266px;" bgcolor=3D"#d7d5bb">
ap=3D"#120b49a667c3707e_Map2" border=3D"0" height=3D"143" width=3D"266">d> | ); font-family: 'Trebuchet MS'; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold;= " width=3D"333">
CALL OR CLICK | (215, 213, 187); padding-right: 22px; color: rgb(102, 96, 60); font-weight:= bold; font-family: Arial; font-size: 19px; vertical-align: top; padding-to= p: 8px;"> For your free fishing guide: 1.800.487.6867
|" usemap=3D"#120b49a667c= 3707e_Map3" border=3D"0" height=3D"115" width=3D"266"> |
r: rgb(66, 64, 40); line-height: 17px;" width=3D"333">" style=3D"height: 2px; width: 300px;= " height=3D"2" width=3D"300">
See these photos taken by Adirondack visitors, and many more, at " s&emailID=3D04172009085621&theLINK=3D pring2009/redirect.htm?" target=3D"_blank"> = Get 21 maps with tips on every catchable species. Learn the secrets of the = 3,000 lakes and ponds and 10,000 miles of Adirondack rivers and streams. Ju= st click to request your cfm?clientDS=3Dwms_visit_adirondacks&emailID=3D04172009085621&theLI= NK=3D rochure.cfm" target=3D"_blank">FREE Fishing Guide and Map. |
il/spring2009/i/content.jpg" usemap=3D"#120b49a667c3707e_Map4" border=3D"0"= height=3D"400" width=3D"599"> | ttp://" usemap=3D"#120b49a667c= 3707e_Map" border=3D"0" height=3D"107" width=3D"599"> |
t.cfm?clientDS=3Dwms_visit_adirondacks&emailID=3D04172009085621&the= LINK=3D /email/spring2009/sendToFriend/sendToFriend.cfm" target=3D"_blank"> =3D"" border=3D"0= "> |
| =09 =09 =3D"-2"> You are receiving this email because you requested email information= =20 from a website belonging to The Adirondack Region.
If you have received this email in error or wish to be removed fr= om our mailing list all together, optout/profiler.cfm?ds=3D17&" target=3D"_bl= ank">click here, or contact us at
The Adirondack Region P.O. Box 2149 Plattsbur= gh, NY 12901 =09 =09
-- Regards,
Evan M. Inker
--0015174c0eba5e3bb60467ea9d0f Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Just thought we may be able to do a Summer trip ...
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: The Adirondack Region Date: Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 10:58 AM Subject: 2009 Adirondack Fishing Guide To:
If you have trouble viewing this email, click here .
CALL OR CLICKFor your free fishing guide: 1.800.487.6867
See these photos taken by Adirondack visitors, and many more, at Get 21 maps with tips on every catchable species. Learn the secrets of the 3,000 lakes and ponds and 10,000 miles of Adirondack rivers and streams. Just click to request your FREE Fishing Guide and Map .
You are receiving this email because you requested email information from a website belonging to The Adirondack Region.
If you have received this email in error or wish to be removed from our mailing list all together, click here, or contact us at The Adirondack Region P.O. Box 2149 Plattsburgh, NY 12901
-- Regards,
Evan M. Inker
--0015174c0eba5e3bb60467ea9d0f Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Just thought we may be able to do a Summer trip ...
ail_quote">---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: il_sendername">The Adirondack Region <"> gt;Date: Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 10:58 AM Subject: 2009 Adirondack Fishing Gui= de To:>  85621.gif" style=3D"border: medium none ;" height=3D"1" width=3D"1">=20 =20 =20 dth=3D"599">padding=3D"0" cellspacing=3D"0">: 266px;" bgcolor=3D"#d7d5bb">
ap=3D"#120b49a667c3707e_Map2" border=3D"0" height=3D"143" width=3D"266">d> | ); font-family: 'Trebuchet MS'; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold;= " width=3D"333">
CALL OR CLICK | (215, 213, 187); padding-right: 22px; color: rgb(102, 96, 60); font-weight:= bold; font-family: Arial; font-size: 19px; vertical-align: top; padding-to= p: 8px;"> For your free fishing guide: 1.800.487.6867
|" usemap=3D"#120b49a667c= 3707e_Map3" border=3D"0" height=3D"115" width=3D"266"> |
r: rgb(66, 64, 40); line-height: 17px;" width=3D"333">" style=3D"height: 2px; width: 300px;= " height=3D"2" width=3D"300">
See these photos taken by Adirondack visitors, and many more, at " s&emailID=3D04172009085621&theLINK=3D pring2009/redirect.htm?" target=3D"_blank"> = Get 21 maps with tips on every catchable species. Learn the secrets of the = 3,000 lakes and ponds and 10,000 miles of Adirondack rivers and streams. Ju= st click to request your cfm?clientDS=3Dwms_visit_adirondacks&emailID=3D04172009085621&theLI= NK=3D rochure.cfm" target=3D"_blank">FREE Fishing Guide and Map. |
il/spring2009/i/content.jpg" usemap=3D"#120b49a667c3707e_Map4" border=3D"0"= height=3D"400" width=3D"599"> | ttp://" usemap=3D"#120b49a667c= 3707e_Map" border=3D"0" height=3D"107" width=3D"599"> |
t.cfm?clientDS=3Dwms_visit_adirondacks&emailID=3D04172009085621&the= LINK=3D /email/spring2009/sendToFriend/sendToFriend.cfm" target=3D"_blank"> =3D"" border=3D"0= "> |
| =09 =09 =3D"-2"> You are receiving this email because you requested email information= =20 from a website belonging to The Adirondack Region.
If you have received this email in error or wish to be removed fr= om our mailing list all together, optout/profiler.cfm?ds=3D17&" target=3D"_bl= ank">click here, or contact us at
The Adirondack Region P.O. Box 2149 Plattsbur= gh, NY 12901 =09 =09
-- Regards,
Evan M. Inker