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DATE 2014-07-01


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DATE 2014-07-07
FROM Ruben Safir
SUBJECT Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Jump the Turn Stile

Commuter Tip: Jumping the Subway Turnstile Saves Money
By Brad Tuttle -at-bradrtuttleJuly 29, 20110

Read Later

Philip Kramer / Getty Images

Subway Turnstile Jumpers Saving Loads of Money, Even When They Are
Caught, Study Shows New York Daily News
In New York City, It Still Pays to Hop the Subway Turnstiles


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Even when you factor in the likelihood of getting caught and being hit
with fines, it makes economic sense to jump the subway turnstile rather
than pay the fare like a good law-abiding citizen. Who is spreading such
an idea? Believe it or not, New York City’s Metropolitan Transit
Authority. In a new study covered by the Daily News, MTA analysts reveal
that fare beaters hopped into subway trains without paying 18.5 million
times in 2009. Meanwhile, only 120,000 summonses were issued for
turnstile jumping, and on average, offenders would wind up being fined
$100 every 6 to 13 weeks.

(MORE: Why the Rich Shoplift More Than the Poor)

Therefore, per the Daily News:

Even with the fine, that was cheaper than buying a series of $27
weekly MetroCard passes, which adds up to $162 in a six-week span, the
report said. After paying the summons, a fare-beater would save at least

That’s a savings of over $500 a year, which might prod a morally
flexible but otherwise upstanding citizen to consider turning to the
dark side. MetroCards have since gone up to $29 a week, meaning that
jumping the turnstile saves even more money nowadays.

Why would the MTA, of all organizations, be publishing info that might
encourage lawbreaking—specifically, lawbreaking that would decrease
its revenues? The report’s authors are hoping that the news will
lead the city to arrest more offenders and/or introduce stiffer
penalties for jumping the turnstile.

Brad Tuttle is a reporter at TIME. Find him on Twitter at -at-bradrtuttle.
You can also continue the discussion on TIME’s Facebook page and on
Twitter at -at-TIME.

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