Tue Feb 11 10:03:32 2025



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DATE 2021-08-01


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DATE 2021-08-10
FROM Steve Hay
SUBJECT Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] Problem compiling mod_perl on AIX
From hangout-bounces-at-nylxs.com Tue Sep 21 23:35:44 2021
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From: Steve Hay
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2021 18:03:37 +0100
To: Rainer Tammer
Cc: "Edward J. Sabol" ,
mod_perl list
Subject: Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] Problem compiling mod_perl on AIX
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On Wed, 7 Jul 2021 at 13:35, Rainer Tammer

> I suggest to add a note in the INSTALL to:
> export MAKE="/opt/freeware/bin/gmake"
> perl Makefile.PL ....
> -----[./INSTALL]--------
> Simple install:
> % perl Makefile.PL MP_APXS=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs
> % make && make test
> % make install
> Simple config:
> LoadModule perl_module modules/mod_perl.so
> #PerlModule Apache::compat
> # your config comes here
> -----[./INSTALL]--------
> ->
> -----[./INSTALL]--------
> Simple install:
> % perl Makefile.PL MP_APXS=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs
> % make && make test
> % make install
> Simple install on AIX:
> You will need GNU make to compile mod_perl. The AIX make does not work.
> If you have installed GNU make from the AIX Toolbox:
> % export MAKE="/opt/freeware/bin/gmake"
> % perl Makefile.PL MP_APXS=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs
> % gake && gake test
> % gake install
> Simple config:
> LoadModule perl_module modules/mod_perl.so
> #PerlModule Apache::compat
> # your config comes here
> -----[./INSTALL]--------
Thanks for the patch, and apologies for the slow response. I want to
include this patch in the next release, which I intend to start making in
the next few days, however, is there a typo above?: Should this:

gake && gake test
gake install

be this:

gmake && gmake test
gmake install


Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

On Wed, 7 Jul 2021 at 13:35, Rainer Tamme=
r <rainer.tammer-at-schul=
> wrote:
class=3D"gmail_quote" style=3D"margin:0px 0px 0px 0.8ex;border-left:1px sol=
id rgb(204,204,204);padding-left:1ex">
I suggest to add a note in the INSTALL to:

export MAKE=3D"/opt/freeware/bin/gmake"

perl Makefile.PL ....


Simple install:

=C2=A0 % perl Makefile.PL MP_APXS=3D/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs

=C2=A0 % make && make test

=C2=A0 % make install

Simple config:

=C2=A0 LoadModule perl_module modules/mod_perl.so

=C2=A0 #PerlModule Apache::compat

=C2=A0 # your config comes here




Simple install:

=C2=A0 % perl Makefile.PL MP_APXS=3D/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs

=C2=A0 % make && make test

=C2=A0 % make install

Simple install on AIX:

=C2=A0You will need GNU make to compile mod_perl. The AIX make does not

=C2=A0If you have installed GNU make from the AIX Toolbox:

=C2=A0% export MAKE=3D"/opt/freeware/bin/gmake"

=C2=A0% perl Makefile.PL MP_APXS=3D/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs

=C2=A0 % gake && gake test

=C2=A0 % gake install

Simple config:

=C2=A0 LoadModule perl_module modules/mod_perl.so

=C2=A0 #PerlModule Apache::compat

=C2=A0 # your config comes here

Thanks for the patch, and apologies for the slow respons=
e. I want to include this patch in the next release, which I intend to star=
t making in the next few days, however, is there a typo above?: Should this=

gake && gake test
gake install=

be this:

gmake &&=
; gmake test
gmake install



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Hangout mailing list


Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="0000000000003b90c205c9377c98"

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

On Wed, 7 Jul 2021 at 13:35, Rainer Tammer

> I suggest to add a note in the INSTALL to:
> export MAKE="/opt/freeware/bin/gmake"
> perl Makefile.PL ....
> -----[./INSTALL]--------
> Simple install:
> % perl Makefile.PL MP_APXS=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs
> % make && make test
> % make install
> Simple config:
> LoadModule perl_module modules/mod_perl.so
> #PerlModule Apache::compat
> # your config comes here
> -----[./INSTALL]--------
> ->
> -----[./INSTALL]--------
> Simple install:
> % perl Makefile.PL MP_APXS=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs
> % make && make test
> % make install
> Simple install on AIX:
> You will need GNU make to compile mod_perl. The AIX make does not work.
> If you have installed GNU make from the AIX Toolbox:
> % export MAKE="/opt/freeware/bin/gmake"
> % perl Makefile.PL MP_APXS=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs
> % gake && gake test
> % gake install
> Simple config:
> LoadModule perl_module modules/mod_perl.so
> #PerlModule Apache::compat
> # your config comes here
> -----[./INSTALL]--------
Thanks for the patch, and apologies for the slow response. I want to
include this patch in the next release, which I intend to start making in
the next few days, however, is there a typo above?: Should this:

gake && gake test
gake install

be this:

gmake && gmake test
gmake install


Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

On Wed, 7 Jul 2021 at 13:35, Rainer Tamme=
r <rainer.tammer-at-schul=
> wrote:
class=3D"gmail_quote" style=3D"margin:0px 0px 0px 0.8ex;border-left:1px sol=
id rgb(204,204,204);padding-left:1ex">
I suggest to add a note in the INSTALL to:

export MAKE=3D"/opt/freeware/bin/gmake"

perl Makefile.PL ....


Simple install:

=C2=A0 % perl Makefile.PL MP_APXS=3D/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs

=C2=A0 % make && make test

=C2=A0 % make install

Simple config:

=C2=A0 LoadModule perl_module modules/mod_perl.so

=C2=A0 #PerlModule Apache::compat

=C2=A0 # your config comes here




Simple install:

=C2=A0 % perl Makefile.PL MP_APXS=3D/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs

=C2=A0 % make && make test

=C2=A0 % make install

Simple install on AIX:

=C2=A0You will need GNU make to compile mod_perl. The AIX make does not

=C2=A0If you have installed GNU make from the AIX Toolbox:

=C2=A0% export MAKE=3D"/opt/freeware/bin/gmake"

=C2=A0% perl Makefile.PL MP_APXS=3D/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs

=C2=A0 % gake && gake test

=C2=A0 % gake install

Simple config:

=C2=A0 LoadModule perl_module modules/mod_perl.so

=C2=A0 #PerlModule Apache::compat

=C2=A0 # your config comes here

Thanks for the patch, and apologies for the slow respons=
e. I want to include this patch in the next release, which I intend to star=
t making in the next few days, however, is there a typo above?: Should this=

gake && gake test
gake install=

be this:

gmake &&=
; gmake test
gmake install



Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline

Hangout mailing list


  1. 2021-08-01 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Wykoof like
  2. 2021-08-01 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Chaim Deutsch
  3. 2021-08-02 G?bor Szab? <gabor-at-szabgab.com> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] [Perlweekly] #523 - How to improve your Perl?
  4. 2021-08-07 Ruben Safir <ruben.safir-at-my.liu.edu> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] New Tee Shirts
  5. 2021-08-08 Luis Falcon <falcon-at-gnuhealth.org> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [Health] pgadmin4
  6. 2021-08-08 Axel Braun <axel.braun-at-gmx.de> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [Health] pgadmin4
  7. 2021-08-08 From: "Schanzenbach, Martin" <mschanzenbach-at-posteo.de> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] GNUnet 0.15.0 released
  8. 2021-08-09 G?bor Szab? <gabor-at-szabgab.com> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] [Perlweekly] #524 - Object::Pad
  9. 2021-08-11 IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society <noreply-at-embs.org> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] IEEE EMBS Public Forum on Healthcare Tech
  10. 2021-08-16 G?bor Szab? <gabor-at-szabgab.com> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] [Perlweekly] #525 - Vacation time?
  11. 2021-08-17 NYOUG <execdir-at-nyoug.org> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Upcoming Events for Oracle Professionals
  12. 2021-08-19 IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society <noreply-at-embs.org> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] IEEE EMBS Public Forum on Healthcare Tech
  13. 2021-08-20 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [artix-general] iptables blocking dns queries
  14. 2021-08-20 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [artix-general] iptables blocking dns queries
  15. 2021-08-20 Qontinuum <qontinuum-at-artixlinux.org> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [artix-general] iptables blocking dns queries
  16. 2021-08-20 Jeff Pohlmeyer <yetanothergeek-at-gmail.com> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [artix-general] iptables blocking dns queries
  17. 2021-08-20 Jeff Pohlmeyer <yetanothergeek-at-gmail.com> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [artix-general] iptables blocking dns queries
  18. 2021-08-20 Qontinuum <qontinuum-at-artixlinux.org> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [artix-general] iptables blocking dns queries
  19. 2021-08-20 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [artix-general] iptables blocking dns queries
  20. 2021-08-20 Qontinuum <qontinuum-at-artixlinux.org> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [artix-general] iptables blocking dns queries
  21. 2021-08-20 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [artix-general] iptables blocking dns queries
  22. 2021-08-20 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [artix-general] iptables blocking dns queries
  23. 2021-08-19 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] [artix-general] iptables blocking dns queries
  24. 2021-08-10 Dudemanguy <dudemanguy-at-artixlinux.org> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [artix-general] [s6] starting oneshots as non
  25. 2021-08-09 Javier <je-vv-at-e.email> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [artix-general] [s6] starting oneshots as non
  26. 2021-08-09 Dudemanguy <dudemanguy-at-artixlinux.org> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [artix-general] [s6] starting oneshots as non
  27. 2021-08-09 Javier <je-vv-at-e.email> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] [artix-general] [s6] starting oneshots as non root
  28. 2021-08-20 Qontinuum <qontinuum-at-artixlinux.org> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [artix-general] iptables blocking dns queries
  29. 2021-08-20 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [artix-general] iptables blocking dns queries
  30. 2021-08-20 Qontinuum <qontinuum-at-artixlinux.org> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [artix-general] iptables blocking dns queries
  31. 2021-08-20 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [artix-general] iptables blocking dns queries
  32. 2021-08-20 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] [artix-general] mirror dns issues with orion
  33. 2021-08-20 winfried szukalski <szukw000-at-arcor.de> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] [png-mng-implement] Reading single MNG image
  34. 2021-08-19 IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society <noreply-at-embs.org> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] IEEE EMBS Public Forum on Healthcare Tech
  35. 2021-08-20 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [artix-general] iptables blocking dns queries
  36. 2021-08-20 From: "Donald Robertson, III, FSF" <info-at-fsf.org> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Meeting every Friday: Help us update the Free
  37. 2021-08-21 Rick Moen <rick-at-linuxmafia.com> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [artix-general] iptables blocking dns queries
  38. 2021-08-21 Javier <je-vv-at-e.email> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] [artix-general] [thunderbird-artix] TB calendar
  39. 2021-08-23 G?bor Szab? <gabor-at-szabgab.com> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] [Perlweekly] #526 - Politics in Programming?
  40. 2021-08-22 artist <artist-at-artixlinux.org> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [artix-general] [thunderbird-artix] TB
  41. 2021-08-23 mayer ilovitz <pmamayeri-at-gmail.com> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] JP 8/20/21: Yes,
  42. 2021-08-23 G?bor Szab? <gabor-at-szabgab.com> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] [Perlweekly] #526 - Politics in Programming?
  43. 2021-08-23 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] genes Genes Jeans
  44. 2021-08-24 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] [artix-general] squashed initramfs.img
  45. 2021-08-24 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Actually - it is a bug with xfs root file systems
  46. 2021-08-25 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [artix-general] Actually - it is a bug with
  47. 2021-08-26 From: "Pat Schloss" <pschloss-at-umich.edu> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] [mothur] mothur v.1.46.0 release and other
  48. 2021-08-27 Kevin Cole <dc.loco-at-gmail.com> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] [Health] My GNU Health merely crashes...
  49. 2021-08-27 Kevin Cole <dc.loco-at-gmail.com> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] [Health] My GNU Health merely crashes...
  50. 2021-08-27 Kevin Cole <dc.loco-at-gmail.com> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] [Health] My GNU Health merely crashes...
  51. 2021-08-28 Luis Falcon <falcon-at-gnuhealth.org> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [Health] My GNU Health merely crashes...
  52. 2021-08-27 Kevin Cole <dc.loco-at-gmail.com> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [Health] My GNU Health merely crashes...
  53. 2021-08-27 Kevin Cole <dc.loco-at-gmail.com> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [Health] My GNU Health merely crashes...
  54. 2021-08-27 Luis Falcon <falcon-at-gnuhealth.org> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [Health] My GNU Health merely crashes...
  55. 2021-08-27 Kevin Cole <dc.loco-at-gmail.com> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] [Health] My GNU Health merely crashes...
  56. 2021-08-30 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Future of Fashion - today..
  57. 2021-08-30 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Really we are reaching the end of humanity...
  58. 2021-08-30 Lee Shallis <gb2985-at-gmail.com> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] [png-mng-implement] Own implementation
  59. 2021-08-29 Luis Falcon <falcon-at-gnuhealth.org> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [Health] My GNU Health merely crashes...
  60. 2021-08-28 Kevin Cole <dc.loco-at-gmail.com> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [Health] My GNU Health merely crashes...
  61. 2021-08-31 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Fwd: Control your computer with code,
  62. 2021-08-30 From: "Free Software Foundation" <info-at-fsf.org> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] FSF copyright handling: A basis for distribution,
  63. 2021-08-25 David Booth <david-at-dbooth.org> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] Sharing read/WRITE data between threads? [EXT]
  64. 2021-08-25 Jacques Deguest <jack-at-deguest.jp> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] Sharing read/WRITE data between threads?
  65. 2021-08-25 James Smith <js5-at-sanger.ac.uk> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] Sharing read/WRITE data between threads? [EXT]
  66. 2021-08-25 Brad Van Sickle <bvs7085-at-gmail.com> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] Sharing read/WRITE data between threads?
  67. 2021-08-24 David Booth <david-at-dbooth.org> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Sharing read/WRITE data between threads?
  68. 2021-08-10 From: "Tammer, Rainer" <Rainer.Tammer-at-schulergroup.com> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] Problem compiling mod_perl on AIX
  69. 2021-08-11 Steve Hay <steve.m.hay-at-googlemail.com> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] Problem compiling mod_perl on AIX
  70. 2021-08-10 Steve Hay <steve.m.hay-at-googlemail.com> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] Problem compiling mod_perl on AIX
  71. 2021-08-28 Alexandre Prokoudine via gimp-user-list <gimp-user-list-at-gnome.org> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [Gimp-user] screen interface too small to use
  72. 2021-08-28 Kerry Jones via gimp-user-list <gimp-user-list-at-gnome.org> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] [Gimp-user] screen interface too small to use
  73. 2021-08-25 Liam R E Quin <liam-at-holoweb.net> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [Gimp-user] language
  74. 2021-08-25 Fons de Wit <fons.de.wit-at-orange.fr> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] [Gimp-user] language
  75. 2021-08-25 James Smith <js5-at-sanger.ac.uk> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] Sharing read/WRITE data between threads? [EXT]
  76. 2021-08-25 David Booth <david-at-dbooth.org> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] Sharing read/WRITE data between threads? [EXT]
  77. 2021-08-25 Jacques Deguest <jack-at-deguest.jp> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] Sharing read/WRITE data between threads?
  78. 2021-08-25 Brad Van Sickle <bvs7085-at-gmail.com> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] Sharing read/WRITE data between threads?
  79. 2021-08-24 David Booth <david-at-dbooth.org> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Sharing read/WRITE data between threads?
  80. 2021-08-10 From: "Tammer, Rainer" <Rainer.Tammer-at-schulergroup.com> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] Problem compiling mod_perl on AIX
  81. 2021-08-11 Steve Hay <steve.m.hay-at-googlemail.com> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] Problem compiling mod_perl on AIX
  82. 2021-08-10 Steve Hay <steve.m.hay-at-googlemail.com> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] Problem compiling mod_perl on AIX

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