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DATE 2005-10-01


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DATE 2005-10-10
FROM Ruben Safir
SUBJECT Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] [Fwd: My last E-Update for the Committee on Technology in
-----Forwarded Message-----
> From: Bruce Lai
> Subject: My last E-Update for the Committee on Technology in
> Government of the New York City Council.
> Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2005 13:27:22 -0400
> Hello All,
> <>As some of you may know, I was recently named Chief of Staff for
> Council Member Gale A. Brewer, Chair of the Committee on Technology in
> Government. I thoroughly enjoyed my time as the Legislative Policy
> Analyst on the Committee on Technology in Government, and I am proud
> of what the Committee have accomplished so far. Many of you on this
> list has been instrumental in the Committee's successes. Gale and I
> thank you for your help. We also know that much more needs to be
> done. We have identified a successor, Michael Santorelli, and he will
> start work this week. I would like to especially thank Jeff Haberman,
> Deputy Director of the Infrastructure Division, New York City Council,
> for helping bring Michael aboard so expeditiously as well as being a
> great supervisor. As Gale's Chief of Staff, I will still be
> substantially involved with technology and telecommunications policy
> at the Council so feel free to contact me re: these issues.
> Soon after Michael starts, I will ask him to introduce himself to
> all of you. He will be sending out the fall / early winter hearing
> schedule for the Committee on Technology in Government very soon.
> Some potential hearing topics include:
> * The technology needs of senior citizens. We would like to
> hold a hearing to discuss the other "digital divide"-- that
> is, the lack of understanding and use of technology by senior
> citizens to improve their quality of life.
> * Related event: Recently, on Oct. 6th, 2005, Council
> Member Gale A. Brewer held the first of two senior
> "touch tanks." These events, organized with Older
> Adult Technology Services or OATS
> (http://www.oatsny.org/), brought 21st century
> technology such as iPods, digital cameras and laptop
> computers to senior citizens on the Upper West Side in
> an exploratory, hands-on setting. See attached press
> release.
> * A second hearing on Int. No. 625. Int. No. 625 creates a
> broadband task force. I have been working with Fredy Kaplan,
> Counsel to the Committee on Technology in Government, to
> revise this legislation make the proposed task force,
> permanent, public and transparent, reporting to the Mayor and
> the City Council as well as the general public.
> * The roll out of 211 in New York City. Recently, the United
> Way of New York City in conjunction with the Department of
> Information Technology and Telecommunications released a
> business plan to get 211 started in New York City. 211
> (http://www.211.org/) is similar to the City's 311 system
> except that it would be focused on referring people to social
> service programs run by both government agencies and nonprofit
> organizations. We plan to do an oversight hearing on this
> exciting new system.
> *****
> Council Member Gale Brewer is proud to announce a new program
> called One-to-One in Ten
> (http://www.nysia.org/special_features/article.cfm?pid=193). This
> pilot program will completely immerse seven Region 10 middle schools
> with technology, including laptops, servers, educational software and
> professional development. We are working very closely with private
> sector partners, the Department of Education and, of course, the
> participating schools, toflesh out this project as well as get it off
> the ground soon. Crains New York recently wrote an article on this
> exciting new initiative.
> Computers part of school program
> Laptops for Upper W. Side, Harlem students
> By Amanda Fung
> Published on August 08, 2005
> More than 1,000 sixth grade students on the Upper West Side and
> in Harlem will receive brand-new laptops under a program to be
> announced later this month by City Councilwoman Gale Brewer. The
> pilot program is funded with $411,000 from the City Council and Ms.
> Brewer is seeking to raise another $375,000 from private businesses.
> The program is called One-to-One in Ten, referring to Region 10. The
> money will be used to pay for tech support, training for teachers and
> the computers. "It is a model project to address the digital divide
> in the City," says Ms. Brewer. The students in seven participating
> middle schools will get a Mac or PC. The schools were identified by
> the City's Department of Education. They boast broadband access, which
> allows the students to make wireless connections. The City Council
> has been working with the City Department of Education, Region 10 and
> Fordham University's Regional Educational Technology Center for about
> a year to roll out the project in time for the first day of school.
> During the summer, about 70 teachers attended professional development
> classes to familiarize themselves with the computers. "Middle school
> is a critical point in a student's academic career," says Mary Moss,
> principal of Mott Hall II School, one of the pilot schools. "Computer
> use makes learning interesting and gives students skills needed to be
> successful in high school and the work world."
> For further commentary, please see the following blog posting:
> * http://www.corante.com/newyork/archives/2005/08/29/bridging_the_digital_divide_with_free_apple_and_dell_laptops_for_manhattan_school_kids.php
> *****
> On Tuesday, November 1st at the Waldorf Astoria, One Economy
> Corporation is celebrating its 5th Anniversary. One Economy is a
> national non-profit organization created to be a catalyst for
> innovation and change. They help bring access to technology into the
> homes of low-income people around the country so that low-income
> people can use technology to build assets and improve their lives. To
> learn more about this event, go to the following link:
> * http://www.one-economy.com/oe5/
> FYI, Council Member Brewer and I are on the host committee. One
> Economy was instrumental in working with the Committee on passing
> Reso. No. 669
> (http://www.nyccouncil.info/issues/report_act.cfm?mtfile=Res%200669%2D2004), which supports the idea of wiring all new and gut-renovated affordable housing developments with broadband.
> *****
> We are pleased to announce that NYC's Department of Youth and
> Community Development (DYCD) has designated the Nonprofit Help Desk as
> its citywide Technical Assistance provider in the area of Fiscal
> Management. If you are aware of any DYCD funded nonprofit
> organization in need of technical assistance in this field, they may
> consult with DYCD's website for procedures on how to apply for
> assistance (http://www.nyc.gov/html/dycd/html/cbo-ta.html). The
> Nonprofit Help Desk may be contacted by calling 718-449-5000 ext. 4 or
> at www.nphd.org (http://www.nphd.org).
> *****
> About the New York City Councilÿs Committee on Technology in
> Government
> The primary goals of the Committee on Technology in Government are
> (1) to expand digital equality by increasing access to broadband in
> underserved communities of New York City (2) to increase the strategic
> use of technology in government, thereby, increasing efficiency in
> government and enhancing the quality of public services, and (3) to
> promote the openness and transparency of government by making sure
> that public information is accessible to every New York City
> resident. Through its ability to hold oversight hearings over City
> agencies and introduce and hear legislation, the Committee on
> Technology in Government works to achieve its goals in partnership
> with the private, public and nonprofit sectors.
> More information about the Committee and the Chair of the
> Committee, Council Member Gale A. Brewer, can be found at the
> following link:
> http://nyccouncil.info/issues/committee.cfm?committee_id=106<sbdkey=5121. All Committee briefing papers from the current session (beginning in January 2004) are also available at this link.
> If you know of people who would be interested in the Committee on
> Technology in Governmentÿs activities, please feel free to forward
> this e-mail to them. If you know of anyone who would like to receive
> these e-mails, just have them e-mail me, and I will be put them on the
> list. Finally, feel free to post this information on any listserve
> you may belong to or on any website you are affiliated with.
> Thank you. I look forward to seeing you at one of Committee's
> hearings or events.
> Regards,
> Bruce Lai
> --
> Bruce Lai
> Chief of Staff
> Office of Council Member Gale A. Brewer
> New York City Council
> 250 Broadway
> New York, NY 10007
> Work: 212.788.9109
> Fax: 212.788.9168
> E-mail: mailto:bruce.lai-at-council.nyc.ny.us

  1. 2005-10-01 From: "Steve Milo" <slavik914-at-rennlist.net> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] New York Housing
  2. 2005-10-01 From: "Steve Milo" <slavik914-at-rennlist.net> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Marino!!
  3. 2005-10-01 From: <mlr52-at-michaellrichardson.com> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] New York Housing
  4. 2005-10-01 swd <sderrick-at-optonline.net> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] New York Housing
  5. 2005-10-01 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] New York Housing
  6. 2005-10-01 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] New York Housing
  7. 2005-10-01 Contrarian <adrba-at-nyct.net> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Marino!!
  8. 2005-10-01 Contrarian <adrba-at-nyct.net> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Board Minutes NYLXS Sept 2005
  9. 2005-10-01 Contrarian <adrba-at-nyct.net> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Marino!!
  10. 2005-10-01 Contrarian <adrba-at-nyct.net> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] New York Housing --- umm, OT?
  11. 2005-10-01 Contrarian <adrba-at-nyct.net> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] will be off list for an hour or so
  12. 2005-10-02 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Sound Archives
  13. 2005-10-02 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] DRM is Theft
  14. 2005-10-02 From: <mlr52-at-michaellrichardson.com> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] DRM is Theft
  15. 2005-10-02 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] DRM is Theft
  16. 2005-10-02 From: <mlr52-at-michaellrichardson.com> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] DRM is Theft
  17. 2005-10-02 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] DRM is Theft
  18. 2005-10-02 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Problems in our favorite resort
  19. 2005-10-02 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] DRM is Theft = Blue Ray
  20. 2005-10-02 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] $100 laptops with a hand crank....
  21. 2005-10-02 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] More on $100 laptops with a hand crank....
  22. 2005-10-02 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] DRM is Theft
  23. 2005-10-02 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Software Patents - busy weekend ;)
  24. 2005-10-03 From: "Steve Milo" <slavik914-at-rennlist.net> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] $100 laptops with a hand crank....
  25. 2005-10-05 swd <sderrick-at-optonline.net> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Nedded: High Density Diskette Greater than 1.44MB Needed.
  26. 2005-10-05 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Nedded: High Density Diskette Greater than
  27. 2005-10-05 Matthew <mph-at-dorsai.org> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Nedded: High Density Diskette Greater than 1.44MB Needed.
  28. 2005-10-05 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Nedded: High Density Diskette Greater than
  29. 2005-10-05 mike hjorleifsson <mikeh-at-dtev.com> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Nedded: High Density Diskette Greater than
  30. 2005-10-05 From: <mlr52-at-michaellrichardson.com> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Nedded: High Density Diskette Greater than1.44MB Needed.
  31. 2005-10-05 Matthew <mph-at-dorsai.org> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Nedded: High Density Diskette Greater than1.44MB Needed.
  32. 2005-10-05 Contrarian <adrba-at-nyct.net> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Board Minutes NYLXS Sept 2005
  33. 2005-10-05 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Nedded: High Density Diskette Greater than
  34. 2005-10-05 mike hjorleifsson <mikeh-at-dtev.com> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Nedded: High Density Diskette Greater than
  35. 2005-10-05 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Nedded: High Density Diskette Greater than
  36. 2005-10-05 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Newton Scholarship Jobs
  37. 2005-10-07 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] [Fwd: Jupiter Webcast Invite: Usability - Leverage Technology to
  38. 2005-10-09 From: <mlr52-at-mycouponmagic.com> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] My labtop
  39. 2005-10-09 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] My labtop
  40. 2005-10-10 From: "Gisele Sterling" <Stefanihangout-at-mrbrklyn.com> Ignore Viag.ra, Cia.lis is the BEST! Cia.lis
  41. 2005-10-10 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] [Fwd: My last E-Update for the Committee on Technology in
  42. 2005-10-10 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] [Fwd: Linux Seminar Featuring OSDL's Bill Weinberg]
  43. 2005-10-11 From: <mlr52-at-mycouponmagic.com> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Fwd: AMD Online Event #3: AMD, Sun, Oracle and Dual-Core Technology
  44. 2005-10-12 From: "Inker, Evan" <EInker-at-gam.com> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] RE: board-at-nylxs.com
  45. 2005-10-13 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Re: [Hardhats-members] Cost to convert CPRS to Java
  46. 2005-10-13 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] [Fwd: [Hardhats-members] Open Development Software WAS: Cost to
  47. 2005-10-13 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Jobs - 6 figures
  48. 2005-10-14 From: "Steve Milo" <slavik914-at-rennlist.net> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] =?utf-8?Q?Re:_[NYLXS_-_HANGOUT]_[Fwd:_[Hardhats-members]_O?=
  49. 2005-10-14 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] [Fwd: [Hardhats-members] Open Development
  50. 2005-10-15 From: "Steve Milo" <slavik914-at-rennlist.net> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] =?utf-8?Q?Re:_[NYLXS_-_HANGOUT]_[Fwd:_[Hardhats-members]_O?=
  51. 2005-10-18 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Mobile GNU/Linux
  52. 2005-10-18 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Re: [Balug-talk] Ruben Safir's visiting
  53. 2005-10-19 Akbar Pasha <akbarpasha-at-gmail.com> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Re: [Balug-talk] Ruben Safir's visiting
  54. 2005-10-24 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Re: School Volunteers needed
  55. 2005-10-24 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] The NEw NYLXS Mail Solution
  56. 2005-10-25 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] [Fwd: Huge Career Fair - Next Wed. Nov. 2nd, NJPAC, Newark, NJ]
  57. 2005-10-25 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Healthcare Industry
  58. 2005-10-27 From: "Steve Milo" <slavik914-at-rennlist.net> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Fw: Fwd: ITT Job Fair in Northern NJ
  59. 2005-10-27 Contrarian <adrba-at-nyct.net> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Meeting announcement?
  60. 2005-10-27 From: "Steve Milo" <slavik914-at-rennlist.net> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Huge Career fair in NJ.
  61. 2005-10-27 From: "Steve Milo" <slavik914-at-rennlist.net> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Fw: Fwd: ITT Job Fair in Northern NJ
  62. 2005-10-28 From: "Inker, Evan" <EInker-at-gam.com> RE: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Huge Career fair in NJ.
  63. 2005-10-28 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] [jschropeshire-at-jobcircle.com: Huge Career Fair - Next Wed. Nov. 2nd, NJPAC, Newark, NJ]
  64. 2005-10-29 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] [Fwd: JobCircle Weekly Summary of New Jobs]
  65. 2005-10-29 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Halloween Mars
  66. 2005-10-31 Contrarian <adrba-at-nyct.net> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Meeting announcement?
  67. 2005-10-31 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] [rguerin-at-nylug.org: [nylug-talk] Joomla/Mambo coding volunteer(s) needed for NYLUG]
  68. 2005-10-03 Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] The New Middle East

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