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DATE 2011-05-01


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DATE 2011-05-27
FROM Ruben Safir
SUBJECT Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] C++ Workshop - next phase
We're going to be closing out Templates this week and move on to
C++ I/O functions, which can be quite complex, which will include
looking closely at the global operator >>() and operator >>()
and the class hierarchy for all the I/O libraries, including everything
you see here

Elements of the iostream library (char instantitation)
ios_base Base class with type-independent members for the
standard stream classes (class)
ios Base class with type-dependent members for the standard stream
classes (class)
istream Input stream (class )
ostream Output Stream (class )
iostream Input/Output Stream (class)
ifstream Input file stream class (class)
ofstream Output file stream (class)
fstream Input/output file stream class (class)
istringstream Input string stream class (class)
ostringstream Output string stream class (class)
stringstream Input/output string stream class (class)
streambuf Base buffer class for streams (class)
filebuf File stream buffer (class)
stringbuf String stream buffer (class)

cin Standard input stream (object)
cout Standard output stream (object)
cerr Standard output stream for errors (object)
clog Standard output stream for logging (object)

fpos Stream position class template (class template)
streamoff Stream offset type (type)
streampos Stream position type (type)
streamsize Stream size type (types)

boolalpha Alphanumerical bool values (manipulator function)
dec Use decimal base (manipulator function)
endl Insert newline and flush (manipulator function)
ends Insert null character (manipulator function)
fixed Use fixed-point notation (manipulator function)
flush Flush stream buffer (manipulator function)
hex Use hexadecimal base (manipulator function)
internal Adjust field by inserting characters at an internal
position (manipulator function)
left Adjust output to the left (manipulator function)
noboolalpha No alphanumerical bool values (manipulator function)
noshowbase Do not show numerical base prefixes (manipulator
noshowpoint Do not show decimal point (manipulator function)
noshowpos Do not show positive signs (manipulator function)
noskipws Do not skip whitespaces (manipulator function)
nounitbuf Do not force flushes after insertions (manipulator
nouppercase Do not generate upper case letters (manipulator
oct Use octal base (manipulator function)
resetiosflags Reset format flags (manipulator function)
right Adjust output to the right (manipulator function)
scientific Use scientific notation (manipulator function)
setbase Set basefield flag (manipulator function)
setfill Set fill character (manipulator function)
setiosflags Set format flags (manipulator function)
setprecision Set decimal precision (manipulator function)
setw Set field width (manipulator function)
showbase Show numerical base prefixes (manipulator function)
showpoint Show decimal point (manipulator function)
showpos Show positive signs (manipulator function)
skipws Skip whitespaces (manipulator function)
unitbuf Flush buffer after insertions (manipulator function)
uppercase Generate upper-case letters (manipulator function)
ws Extract whitespaces (manipulator function)

and also file access and network access.

Come on Sunday Night at 7PM

1163 East 15th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11230

  1. 2011-05-02 Ruben Safir <> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] C++ Workshop - New Webservices with OKWS -
  2. 2011-05-06 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] NYLXS Business
  3. 2011-05-06 Ron Guerin <> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] NYLXS Business
  4. 2011-05-06 Ruben Safir <> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] NYLXS Business
  5. 2011-05-09 Ron Guerin <> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] UPDATED! NYLUG Presents: 5/18 -at- 6:30PM Cameron L. Fadjo on Construct, Program, Design: An Introduction to Scratch From the Perspective of Computing and Cognition
  6. 2011-05-09 Ruben Safir <> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] C++ Workshop - Notes
  7. 2011-05-10 Ron Guerin <> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] NYLUG Workshop / Hacking Society (Smalltalk, C++, Python) Tuesday May 10 6:00PM-8:00PM
  8. 2011-05-15 Ruben Safir <> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] C++ Workshop - Notes
  9. 2011-05-16 Ruben Safir <> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] C++ Workshop - Notes
  10. 2011-05-16 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Fwd: [New-York-C-Developers-Group] MongoNYC - MongoDB Conference
  11. 2011-05-16 Ruben Safir <> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] C++ Workshop - New Webservices with OKWS -
  12. 2011-05-18 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] [ [conspire] YouTube downloading software
  13. 2011-05-19 Ruben Safir <> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] C++ Workshop - creating a distribution list
  14. 2011-05-19 Ruben Safir <> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] C++ Workshop - creating a distribution list
  15. 2011-05-20 Ruben Safir <> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] C++ Workshop - New Webservices with OKWS -
  16. 2011-05-22 Ron Guerin <> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] C++ Workshop - New Webservices with OKWS -
  17. 2011-05-22 Ron Guerin <> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] C++ Workshop - New Webservices with OKWS -
  18. 2011-05-23 swd <> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Membership Dues Address?
  19. 2011-05-23 Ruben Safir <> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Membership Dues Address?
  20. 2011-05-23 swd <> RE: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Membership Dues Address?
  21. 2011-05-23 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Template Argument type deterination
  22. 2011-05-23 Ruben Safir <> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Membership Dues Address?
  23. 2011-05-23 swd <> RE: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Membership Dues Address?
  24. 2011-05-23 Ruben Safir <> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Membership Dues Address?
  25. 2011-05-24 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] [ [accu-general] Free e-book:- The
  26. 2011-05-24 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Job Fair
  27. 2011-05-24 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] [ Re: [ Template
  28. 2011-05-24 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] [ Re: [ Template Argument
  29. 2011-05-24 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] [ Re: [ Template Argument
  30. 2011-05-24 Ruben Safir <> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] [ Re:
  31. 2011-05-24 Ruben Safir <> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] [ Re:
  32. 2011-05-24 Ruben Safir <> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] [ Re:
  33. 2011-05-24 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] template implicit converstion
  34. 2011-05-24 Ron Guerin <> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] NYLUG Workshop / Hacking Society (Smalltalk, C++, Python) Tuesday May 24 6:00PM-8:00PM
  35. 2011-05-24 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] [ (fwd) Template argument determination]
  36. 2011-05-25 Ruben Safir <> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] C++ Workshop - New Webservices with OKWS -
  37. 2011-05-25 Ruben Safir <> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] C++ Workshop - New Webservices with OKWS -
  38. 2011-05-26 Ron Guerin <> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] NYLUG Presents: 6/15 -at- 6:30PM Robert Menes on Rockbox: Open Source Jukebox Firmware
  39. 2011-05-26 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [ Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] C++ Workshop - New
  40. 2011-05-26 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [ Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] C++ Workshop - New
  41. 2011-05-26 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [ Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] C++ Workshop - New
  42. 2011-05-26 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Perl Class
  43. 2011-05-26 Ruben Safir <> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Perl Class
  44. 2011-05-26 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Postgres Class
  45. 2011-05-26 Paul Robert Marino <> Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Postgres Class
  46. 2011-05-27 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] C++ Workshop - next phase
  47. 2011-05-27 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Fwd: Consensus from last night's meeting
  48. 2011-05-27 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Fwd: Re: [The-New-York-Perl-Meetup-Group] Consensus from last night's
  49. 2011-05-30 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Job opennings
  50. 2011-05-31 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] C++ Workshop

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