Mon Nov 4 13:28:52 2024



NYLXS Mailing Lists and Archives
NYLXS Members have a lot to say and share but we don't keep many secrets. Join the Hangout Mailing List and say your peice.

DATE 2021-07-01


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Key: Value:

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DATE 2021-07-29
FROM Naomi Calabretta
SUBJECT Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] [artix-general] Community-made installation guide,
From Fri Aug 20 12:48:41 2021
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Resent-Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2021 12:47:09 -0400
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From: Naomi Calabretta
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2021 18:29:23 +0200
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Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] [artix-general] Community-made installation guide,
submission for review?
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Hello there, sorry I really cannot write a formal letter, hope that is okay

Me and some other people over at the Telegram Artix Linux group have
experienced that the manual installation guide was barely enough for
newcomers to the realm of Arch-based distributions. Also, the lack of
clear, up to date instructions on how to get LUKS encryption to work in
Artix was a problem for people who wanted to keep their files secure on an
Artix installation.

In the intent to give back to a distribution I and others love, we all
gathered and wrote, fact-checked and even translated in other languages, a
really exhaustive installation guide to be used with Artix Linux, with the
hopes of someday seeing it featured in the Wiki itself.

Everything is live (unofficially) at this GitHub repository
. Specifically, this is the
guide in English

(and this is the PmWiki formatted version


We hope to get it reviewed by you Artix developers, so that you let us know
what you think of it and if it can be put on the Wiki as the official guide.

I hope to hear back from you soon; and sorry again for the totally not
formal letter, hope it didn't bother any of you.

Naomi Calabretta
(-at-arytonex on Telegram; also )

Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

lvetica,sans-serif">Hello there, sorry I really cannot write a formal lette=
r, hope that is okay too..
tyle=3D"font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif">Me and some other people ov=
er at the Telegram Artix Linux group have experienced that the manual insta=
llation guide was barely enough for newcomers to the realm of Arch-based di=
stributions. Also, the lack of clear, up to date instructions on how to get=
LUKS encryption to work in Artix was a problem for people who wanted to ke=
ep their files secure on an Artix installation.
fault" style=3D"font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif">
s=3D"gmail_default" style=3D"font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif">In the=
intent to give back to a distribution=C2=A0I and others love, we all gathe=
red and wrote, fact-checked and even translated in other=C2=A0languages, a =
really exhaustive installation guide to be used with Artix Linux, with the =
hopes of someday seeing it featured in the Wiki itself.
gmail_default" style=3D"font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif">
div class=3D"gmail_default" style=3D"font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif=
">Everything is live (unofficially) at eX/artix-linux-docs/">this GitHub repository. Specifically,">this is the guide in English
(and AryToNeX/artix-linux-docs/blob/master/docs/en/INSTALLATION.pmwiki">this is =
the PmWiki formatted version
efault" style=3D"font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif">We hope to get it =
reviewed by you Artix developers, so that you let us know what=C2=A0you thi=
nk of it and if it can be put on the Wiki as the official guide.
class=3D"gmail_default" style=3D"font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif">r>
ans-serif">I hope to hear back from you soon; and sorry again for the total=
ly not formal letter, hope it didn't bother any of you.
=3D"gmail_default" style=3D"font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif">
erif">Naomi Calabretta
(-at-arytonex on Telegram; also <">>)


Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline

artix-general mailing list

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
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Content-Disposition: inline

Hangout mailing list


Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="000000000000abfae705c8459b6f"

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Hello there, sorry I really cannot write a formal letter, hope that is okay

Me and some other people over at the Telegram Artix Linux group have
experienced that the manual installation guide was barely enough for
newcomers to the realm of Arch-based distributions. Also, the lack of
clear, up to date instructions on how to get LUKS encryption to work in
Artix was a problem for people who wanted to keep their files secure on an
Artix installation.

In the intent to give back to a distribution I and others love, we all
gathered and wrote, fact-checked and even translated in other languages, a
really exhaustive installation guide to be used with Artix Linux, with the
hopes of someday seeing it featured in the Wiki itself.

Everything is live (unofficially) at this GitHub repository
. Specifically, this is the
guide in English

(and this is the PmWiki formatted version


We hope to get it reviewed by you Artix developers, so that you let us know
what you think of it and if it can be put on the Wiki as the official guide.

I hope to hear back from you soon; and sorry again for the totally not
formal letter, hope it didn't bother any of you.

Naomi Calabretta
(-at-arytonex on Telegram; also )

Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

lvetica,sans-serif">Hello there, sorry I really cannot write a formal lette=
r, hope that is okay too..
tyle=3D"font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif">Me and some other people ov=
er at the Telegram Artix Linux group have experienced that the manual insta=
llation guide was barely enough for newcomers to the realm of Arch-based di=
stributions. Also, the lack of clear, up to date instructions on how to get=
LUKS encryption to work in Artix was a problem for people who wanted to ke=
ep their files secure on an Artix installation.
fault" style=3D"font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif">
s=3D"gmail_default" style=3D"font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif">In the=
intent to give back to a distribution=C2=A0I and others love, we all gathe=
red and wrote, fact-checked and even translated in other=C2=A0languages, a =
really exhaustive installation guide to be used with Artix Linux, with the =
hopes of someday seeing it featured in the Wiki itself.
gmail_default" style=3D"font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif">
div class=3D"gmail_default" style=3D"font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif=
">Everything is live (unofficially) at eX/artix-linux-docs/">this GitHub repository. Specifically,">this is the guide in English
(and AryToNeX/artix-linux-docs/blob/master/docs/en/INSTALLATION.pmwiki">this is =
the PmWiki formatted version
efault" style=3D"font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif">We hope to get it =
reviewed by you Artix developers, so that you let us know what=C2=A0you thi=
nk of it and if it can be put on the Wiki as the official guide.
class=3D"gmail_default" style=3D"font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif">r>
ans-serif">I hope to hear back from you soon; and sorry again for the total=
ly not formal letter, hope it didn't bother any of you.
=3D"gmail_default" style=3D"font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif">
erif">Naomi Calabretta
(-at-arytonex on Telegram; also <">>)


Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline

artix-general mailing list

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Hangout mailing list


  1. 2021-07-01 From: "Dana Morgenstein, FSF" <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Read and share articles from the Free Software
  2. 2021-07-01 From: "Free Software Foundation" <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Free Software Supporter Issue 159, July 2021
  3. 2021-07-02 Osvaldo Alonso <> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS]
  4. 2021-07-02 Edgar_ <> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS]
  5. 2021-07-02 Osvaldo Alonso <> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS]
  6. 2021-07-02 Edgar_ <> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS]
  7. 2021-07-04 Javier <> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [artix-general] Pipewire without Pulse
  8. 2021-07-04 zap <> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [artix-general] Pipewire without Pulse
  9. 2021-07-04 Javier <> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [artix-general] [ot] pipewire without pulse
  10. 2021-07-04 Ethan Masse <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] [artix-general] elogind-openrc no longer provides
  11. 2021-07-04 Chris Cromer <> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [artix-general] [ot] pipewire without pulse
  12. 2021-07-04 Javier <> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [artix-general] [ot] pipewire without pulse
  13. 2021-07-04 Chris Cromer <> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [artix-general] [ot] pipewire without pulse
  14. 2021-07-04 Javier <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] [artix-general] [ot] pipewire without pulse
  15. 2021-07-04 Chris Cromer <> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [artix-general] elogind-openrc no longer
  16. 2021-07-05 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Linux Tablets
  17. 2021-07-05 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Bikes
  18. 2021-07-05 Tajwali Khan <> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [Health] MyGNUHealth 1.0 ready to download
  19. 2021-07-06 Axel Braun <> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [Health] Help for upgrade GnuHealth in
  20. 2021-07-06 Axel Braun <> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [Health] MyGNUHealth 1.0 ready to download
  21. 2021-07-05 G?bor Szab? <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] [Perlweekly] #519 - Crystal conference and course
  22. 2021-07-05 Michael Stevens <> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] New to Embperl. How do I work with a large
  23. 2021-07-05 Chuck Zumbrun <> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] New to Embperl. How do I work with a large
  24. 2021-07-05 Chris Brown <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] New to Embperl. How do I work with a large
  25. 2021-07-05 Ruben Safir <> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] New to Embperl. How do I work with a large
  26. 2021-07-06 Ruben Safir <> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] Join me this Thursday for Eleanor Roosevelt:
  27. 2021-07-06 Axel Braun <> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [Health] Help for upgrade GnuHealth in
  28. 2021-07-06 Tajwali Khan <> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [Health] Help for upgrade GnuHealth in
  29. 2021-07-06 Tajwali Khan <> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [Health] Help for upgrade GnuHealth in
  30. 2021-07-06 Tajwali Khan <> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [Health] Help for upgrade GnuHealth in
  31. 2021-07-06 From: "Matt Lavallee, FSF" <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Hot new summer items from GNU Press!
  32. 2021-07-10 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Crazy Eddie and Small Business in NYC
  33. 2021-07-10 Alain Knaff <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] GNU mtools 4.0.32 released
  34. 2021-07-08 Joel Rees via gimp-user-list <> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [Gimp-user] Wacom Intuos PTS
  35. 2021-07-08 Liam R E Quin <> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [Gimp-user] Wacom Intuos PTS
  36. 2021-07-08 Ilya Novikov via gimp-user-list <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] [Gimp-user] Fwd: Buttons are blurry
  37. 2021-07-11 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] COVID-19 Inflation is hear to stay...
  38. 2021-07-11 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Everything is secure.... not to worry...
  39. 2021-07-12 G?bor Szab? <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] [Perlweekly] #520 - CPAN Bus Factor
  40. 2021-07-11 From: "New York Sun" <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] The G-20 Shock
  41. 2021-07-12 Ruben Safir <> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [ Docs ] COVID-19 Inflation is hear to stay...
  42. 2021-07-12 From: =?utf-8?Q?Zo=C3=AB_Kooyman=2C_FSF?= <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Push freedom even further at double the speed
  43. 2021-07-13 From: =?utf-8?Q?Zo=C3=AB_Kooyman=2C_FSF?= <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Step by step encryption with the updated Email
  44. 2021-07-13 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] not quite fished but....
  45. 2021-07-14 facebook <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Jerisalem
  46. 2021-07-15 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Black Lives matrer
  47. 2021-07-15 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] The MTA spent Billions of Dollars spent and they
  48. 2021-07-16 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] R and Statistics
  49. 2021-07-19 G?bor Szab? <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] [Perlweekly] #521 - Floods in Perl
  50. 2021-07-18 Nick Clifton <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] GNU Binutils 2.37 has been released
  51. 2021-07-20 NYOUG <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Upcoming Events for Oracle Professionals
  52. 2021-07-20 From: =?utf-8?Q?Zo=C3=AB_Kooyman=2C_FSF?= <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Freedom moving forward: An overview of the FSF's
  53. 2021-07-21 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Watershed moment on political use of law
  54. 2021-07-21 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Critical Race theory is RACISM
  55. 2021-07-21 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Linux Phones
  56. 2021-07-21 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Phone Choices are costs one can think of as
  57. 2021-07-21 Paula Koval via gimp-user-list <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] [Gimp-user] .webp images
  58. 2021-07-16 Cliff Pratt via gimp-user-list <> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [Gimp-user] Recurring mouse problem in GIMP
  59. 2021-07-21 Ken Moffat via gimp-user-list <> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [Gimp-user] .webp images
  60. 2021-07-20 Jack Ogden <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] [Gimp-user] Levels glitch
  61. 2021-07-20 Dilli via gimp-user-list <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] [Gimp-user] gimp 2.99
  62. 2021-07-16 Alexandre Prokoudine via gimp-user-list <> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [Gimp-user] Gimp 2.18.0: Toolbox not present
  63. 2021-07-17 Liam R E Quin <> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [Gimp-user] Recurring mouse problem in GIMP
  64. 2021-07-17 Michael Schumacher via gimp-user-list <> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [Gimp-user] Recurring mouse problem in GIMP
  65. 2021-07-16 Techno <> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] [Gimp-user] Recurring mouse problem in GIMP
  66. 2021-07-21 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Tic Tok artificial behavior intelligence...
  67. 2021-07-25 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Linux Penertration in the computing marketplace
  68. 2021-07-25 Luis Falcon <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Release of MyGNUHealth 1.0.3
  69. 2021-07-26 G?bor Szab? <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] [Perlweekly] #522 - Promote Perl
  70. 2021-07-26 From: "[RSS/Feed] nixCraft: Linux Tips, Hacks, Tutorials, Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] nixCraft Linux / UNIX Newsletter
  71. 2021-07-26 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Getting control of the Tech
  72. 2021-07-28 From: "Donald Robertson, III, FSF" <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] FSF-funded call for white papers on philosophical
  73. 2021-07-25 Javier <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] [artix-general] poppler-qt6 and poppler
  74. 2021-07-29 Naomi Calabretta <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] [artix-general] Community-made installation guide,

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