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DATE 2003-11-01


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DATE 2003-11-06
SUBJECT Subject: [hangout] Re: [DMCA_Discuss] Diebold Voting Case Tests DMCA

On Wed, 5 Nov 2003, Jon O. wrote:

> Diebold Voting Case Tests DMCA
> Company invokes copyright law to quash discussion fueled by stolen documents.
> Paul Roberts, IDG News Service
> Tuesday, November 04, 2003
> Can Diebold Systems use copyright law to pressure Netizens into removing links to online discussion archives stolen from the company in March? That question is before a federal judge.
> The stolen archives contain conversations from online bulletin boards in which Diebold employees discuss problems with the company's electronic voting systems.
> The ruling will test the limits of the controversial Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), says one legal expert. Diebold is invoking the copyright law in the cease and desist letters it has sent to universities and ISPs that linked to copies of the internal documents.
> Colleges Discuss
> At the center of the case are the Online Policy Group (OPG), a nonprofit ISP, and two students from Swarthmore College in Swarthmore, Pennsylvania. They argue that Diebold is abusing copyright law in an attempt to silence public debate about flaws in the voting systems. Their defense is being presented by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), representing both parties along with the Center for Internet and Society Cyberlaw Clinic at Stanford Law School.
> The EFF and the Cyberlaw Clinic are requesting a court order to stop Diebold from issuing what they call "specious legal threats" against the ISPs of individuals who are linking to or publishing copies of the Diebold documents, says Will Doherty, EFF spokesperson.
> Diebold did not respond to requests for comment.
> The dispute between Diebold and various electronic-voting activists arose in March after a computer hacker compromised a Web server operated by Diebold. The intruder apparently made off with thousands of internal messages posted to Diebold online discussion boards concerning issues with the company's election equipment. The documents were leaked to the press in August.
> A Swarthmore College group named Why War? began hosting copies of the documents on its Web site in September and convinced students at 50 other colleges and universities to do the same.
> Diebold Objects
> That prompted Diebold last week to try to stamp out online copies of the internal documents. The company sent cease and desist letters to a handful of U.S. colleges and universities, including Swarthmore, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Harvard University, warning them they were hosting material that infringes on Diebold's copyrights.
> The case has important implications for the future of the DMCA, and for its opponents' use of so-called fair use claims to publish copyrighted material, according to John Palfrey, executive director of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School.
> While Diebold can clearly claim that the stolen material is its copyrighted property, fair use laws give individuals the right to infringe on those rights under certain circumstances, Palfrey says.
> Typically, judges impose a four-part test for fair use claims, Palfrey says. They weigh such issues as the nature of the copyrighted work, the purpose and character of the fair use, the quantity of copyrighted material being infringed on, and its potential market value, he says.
> On at least two of the four issues, the electronic-voting activists have a strong case, Palfrey suggests. Unlike digitally copied songs, a frequent subject of DMCA claims, the Diebold documents are not a form of creative expression, but a subject of intense political debate. Also, Diebold could not reasonably be expected to sell and make a profit off the documents and newsgroup posts, Palfrey says.
> DMCA's Role Questioned
> The DMCA has been invoked to stop illegal file swapping on the Internet, but in this case, Diebold is trying to use the law to quash public discussion, Palfrey says. The documents themselves bolster the discussion of problems with Diebold's products and the effect those might have on elections, Palfrey adds.
> "You've got a political speech in an academic setting--nobody is trying to make any money off this. If fair use isn't upheld here, I'm not sure if the doctrine exists anymore," he says.
> Nevertheless, the electronic-voting activists are not guaranteed a win, he adds. "The DMCA issues do muddy the water," Palfrey says. "I don't think this is a slam dunk on either side."
> A loss could signal a continued expansion of copyright claims to cover a wide range of actions not directly related to copyright disputes, according to Palfrey.
> "This is a very interesting litmus case on whether the DMCA will expand its reach forever or whether the judge will put his foot down and say there is fair use here and the DMCA is for other purposes," Palfrey says.
> Regardless of the outcome in court, the EFF and others intend to pursue injunctions against Diebold to stop the cease and desist letters, the EFF's Doherty says.
> "We want to make sure that OPG clients and students have the ability to post Diebold documents without fear of copyright infringement charges being brought against them," he says.
> _______________________________________________
> ------------------------
> ------------------------
> DMCA_Discuss mailing list

NYLXS: New Yorker Free Software Users Scene
Fair Use -
because it's either fair use or useless....
NYLXS is a trademark of NYLXS, Inc

  1. 2003-11-01 From: "Steve Milo" <> Subject: [hangout] cfdisk
  2. 2003-11-01 Mike Richardson - NYLXS PRESIDENT <> Subject: [hangout] Gome
  3. 2003-11-02 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] [ Re: My speech]
  4. 2003-11-02 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] [ My speech]
  5. 2003-11-02 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] [nylxs-announce] Weekly NYLXS Announcments
  6. 2003-11-03 Mike Richardson - NYLXS PRESIDENT <> Subject: [hangout] Gnome and Board Meeting
  7. 2003-11-03 Mike Richardson - NYLXS PRESIDENT <> Re: [hangout] Gnome and Board Meeting
  8. 2003-11-04 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] GNOME Summit wiki.
  9. 2003-11-04 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] Red Hat tells customers, 'No more freebies!"
  10. 2003-11-04 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] Red Hat tells customers, 'No more freebies!"
  11. 2003-11-04 Adam Kosmin <> Subject: (fwd) [hangout] Red Hat recommends Windows for consumers
  12. 2003-11-04 Contrarian <> Re: (fwd) [hangout] Red Hat recommends Windows for consumers
  13. 2003-11-04 David Sugar <> Re: (fwd) [hangout] Red Hat recommends Windows for consumers
  14. 2003-11-04 Billy <> Re: (fwd) [hangout] Red Hat recommends Windows for consumers
  15. 2003-11-04 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Re: (fwd) [hangout] Red Hat recommends Windows for consumers
  16. 2003-11-04 Adam Kosmin <> Re: [hangout] Red Hat recommends Windows for consumers
  17. 2003-11-04 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] [ Room you were renting.]
  18. 2003-11-04 Mike Richardson - NYLXS PRESIDENT <> Re: [hangout] Red Hat recommends Windows for consumers
  19. 2003-11-05 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] Red Hat recommends Windows for consumers
  20. 2003-11-05 Mike Richardson - NYLXS PRESIDENT <> Subject: [hangout] Meetings Today
  21. 2003-11-05 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Fwd: [Perl Jobs] PERL expert for e-commerce site (part onsite), United States, ny, new york []
  22. 2003-11-06 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] Gome
  23. 2003-11-06 Contrarian <> Subject: [hangout] paging Sergio
  24. 2003-11-06 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] paging Sergio
  25. 2003-11-07 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] GNOME Summit Preparations
  26. 2003-11-07 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] GNOEM SUMMIT Mailing List and Archive Up
  27. 2003-11-08 Contrarian <> Subject: [hangout] Tech Nite this weekend? Tonight? Sunday (tomorrow?)
  28. 2003-11-08 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] Re: Tech Nite this weekend? Tonight? Sunday (tomorrow?)
  29. 2003-11-09 From: "Steve Milo" <> Re: [hangout] Re: Tech Nite this weekend? Tonight? Sunday
  30. 2003-11-09 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Re: [hangout] Re: Tech Nite this weekend? Tonight? Sunday (tomorrow?)
  31. 2003-11-09 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] GNOME SUMIT MEETING TONITE PLEASE at 7:30PM
  32. 2003-11-09 From: "P. Robert Marino" <> Subject: [hangout] technlogy in education roundtable
  33. 2003-11-09 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] Volunteers needed for Summit Set Up
  34. 2003-11-09 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Re: [hangout] Volunteers needed for Summit Set Up
  35. 2003-11-09 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] Paging Pasha
  36. 2003-11-09 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Re: [hangout] Paging Pasha
  37. 2003-11-09 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Re: [hangout] Paging Pasha
  38. 2003-11-10 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] [ [Perl Jobs] Senior web mod_perl / DBI Programmer (onsite), United States, NY, NYC]
  39. 2003-11-10 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] [ [suse-security-announce] SUSE Security Announcement: hylafax (SuSE-SA:2003:045)]
  40. 2003-11-10 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] Re: GNOME on Saturday 11/22
  41. 2003-11-11 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] NYLXS GNOME STUFF
  42. 2003-11-11 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] [ LJ's 2004 editorial calendar]
  43. 2003-11-12 Adam Kosmin <> Subject: [hangout] Re: [tech-geeks] mail/collaboration package
  44. 2003-11-12 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Fwd: #386: Pipes in Jer. Post on "Bush the Radical" []
  45. 2003-11-12 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Re: FW: GNOME on Saturday 11/22
  46. 2003-11-12 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Re: FW: GNOME on Saturday 11/22
  47. 2003-11-12 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Re: Gnome Conference
  48. 2003-11-12 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] GNOME Summit Wireless
  49. 2003-11-12 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] Finding your quotes
  50. 2003-11-12 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Re: [hangout] Finding your quotes
  51. 2003-11-13 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] GNOME SUMMIT Calander update is not up
  52. 2003-11-13 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] Re: [nylxs-announce] GNOME SUMMIT Calander update is now up
  53. 2003-11-13 From: "Ray C." <> Subject: [hangout] MSN, Google & Linux
  54. 2003-11-13 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] The NYLXS Challenge
  55. 2003-11-13 Re: [hangout] MSN, Google & Linux
  56. 2003-11-13 Contrarian <> Re: [hangout] MSN, Google & Linux
  57. 2003-11-13 Mike Richardson - NYLXS PRESIDENT <> Subject: [hangout] Forwarded mail....
  58. 2003-11-13 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Re: [hangout] Forwarded mail....
  59. 2003-11-14 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] Fwd: FW: 11/22/ GNOME conference
  60. 2003-11-14 Mike Richardson - NYLXS PRESIDENT <> Re: [hangout] Forwarded mail....
  61. 2003-11-14 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Re: [hangout] Forwarded mail....
  62. 2003-11-14 Subject: [hangout] Paging Rob
  63. 2003-11-14 Billy <> Re: [hangout] Paging Rob
  64. 2003-11-14 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] Paging Rob
  65. 2003-11-14 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] [ecom106-at-USPTO.GOV: TRADEMARK APPLICATION NO. 78178384 - NYLXS - N/A]
  66. 2003-11-15 Mike Richardson - NYLXS PRESIDENT <> Re: [hangout] [ecom106-at-USPTO.GOV: TRADEMARK APPLICATION NO. 78178384
  67. 2003-11-15 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Re: [hangout] [ecom106-at-USPTO.GOV: TRADEMARK APPLICATION NO. 78178384 - NYLXS - N/A]
  68. 2003-11-15 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] Steve Milo
  69. 2003-11-15 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] GNOME SUMMIT PLANNING Meeting
  70. 2003-11-16 Steve Milo <> Re: [hangout] GNOME SUMMIT PLANNING Meeting (Time and Location
  71. 2003-11-16 From: "Ray C." <> Subject: [hangout] Morality and MS
  72. 2003-11-17 Mike Richardson - NYLXS PRESIDENT <> Re: [hangout] Morality and MS
  73. 2003-11-17 Michael Richardson <> Subject: [hangout] Gnome
  74. 2003-11-17 David Sugar <> Subject: [hangout] A much more complete analysis of the msn search engine...
  75. 2003-11-17 Michael Richardson <> RE: [hangout] A much more complete analysis of the msn search eng
  76. 2003-11-17 David Sugar <> Re: [hangout] A much more complete analysis of the msn search eng ine...
  77. 2003-11-17 Steve Milo <> Subject: [hangout] Paging Joe Grastara and Rob Morino
  78. 2003-11-17 David Sugar <> Re: [hangout] A much more complete analysis of the msn search eng ine...
  79. 2003-11-17 Steve Milo <> Subject: [hangout] Att: Ceasar and Rob.
  80. 2003-11-17 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Summit Plans -Chairs and Trophies
  81. 2003-11-17 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] Re: [ NYLXS: GNOME SUMMIT - Brooklyn USA NOVEMBER 22-24 ] OpenMC U conference setup
  82. 2003-11-17 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] Preparations for the GNOME Summit
  83. 2003-11-17 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] CHAIRS CHAIRS CHAIRS
  84. 2003-11-18 Mike Richardson - NYLXS PRESIDENT <> Subject: [hangout] Re: GNOME Conference New York Summit
  85. 2003-11-18 Mike Richardson - NYLXS PRESIDENT <> Subject: [hangout] RE: [ NYLXS: GNOME SUMMIT - Brooklyn USA NOVEMBER 22-24 ] OpenMC
  86. 2003-11-18 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] NYLUG Meeting Tomorrow
  87. 2003-11-18 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Fwd: Re: Summit wiki. []
  88. 2003-11-18 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Fwd: Re: Summit wiki. []
  89. 2003-11-18 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Fwd: Re: Summit wiki. []
  90. 2003-11-18 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Fwd: Re: Summit wiki. []
  91. 2003-11-18 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Re: Summit wiki.
  92. 2003-11-18 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Re: Summit wiki.
  93. 2003-11-18 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Re: Summit wiki.
  94. 2003-11-18 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Re: Summit wiki.
  95. 2003-11-18 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Re: Summit wiki.
  96. 2003-11-18 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Re: Summit wiki.
  97. 2003-11-18 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Re: Summit wiki.
  98. 2003-11-30 Mike Richardson - NYLXS PRESIDENT <> Re: [hangout] New Gnome/NYLXS Project
  99. 2003-11-30 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Re: [hangout] Tech Night
  100. 2003-11-30 Contrarian <> Re: [hangout] Tech Night
  101. 2003-11-29 From: "Steve Milo" <> Re: [hangout] New Gnome/NYLXS Project
  102. 2003-11-29 Contrarian <> Re: [hangout] Tech Night
  103. 2003-11-29 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] NYLXS Library
  104. 2003-11-29 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Re: [hangout] Tech Night
  105. 2003-11-29 From: "M. Halegua" <> Subject: [hangout] Next DeLUGE meeting
  106. 2003-11-29 Subject: [hangout] Tech Night
  107. 2003-11-29 Subject: [hangout] Tech Night
  108. 2003-11-29 Re: [hangout] tossing old computer shells
  109. 2003-11-29 From: "michael howard" <> Subject: [hangout] tossing old computer shells
  110. 2003-11-28 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] New Gnome/NYLXS Project
  111. 2003-11-28 Mike Richardson - NYLXS PRESIDENT <> Re: [hangout] New Gnome/NYLXS Project
  112. 2003-11-28 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Post PR of the Summit
  113. 2003-11-28 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] New Gnome/NYLXS Project
  114. 2003-11-28 Mike Richardson - NYLXS PRESIDENT <> Re: [hangout] ogle
  115. 2003-11-28 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Re: [hangout] ogle
  116. 2003-11-27 Mike Richardson - NYLXS PRESIDENT <> Subject: [hangout] ogle
  117. 2003-11-27 From: "Steve Milo" <> Re: [hangout] linux terminal server project
  118. 2003-11-27 From: "michael howard" <> Subject: [hangout] linux terminal server project
  119. 2003-11-26 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Conference Website
  120. 2003-11-26 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Re: [hangout] Kings Games After Stuff
  121. 2003-11-26 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] Kings Games After Stuff
  122. 2003-11-26 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Re: [hangout] Sorry for being out of touch
  123. 2003-11-26 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Re: [hangout] Board meeting
  124. 2003-11-26 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] Re: [ Re: confusion about books]
  125. 2003-11-26 Michael Richardson <> RE: [hangout] 'Master' and 'slave' computer labels unacceptable, officials say
  126. 2003-11-26 Michael Richardson <> Subject: [hangout] Board meeting
  127. 2003-11-26 David Sugar <> Re: [hangout] Sorry for being out of touch
  128. 2003-11-26 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Sorry for being out of touch
  129. 2003-11-25 From: "Steve Milo" <> Re: [hangout] Conference Congradulations and Acknoledgements
  130. 2003-11-24 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Conference Congradulations and Acknoledgements
  131. 2003-11-24 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] [ [Perl Jobs] Database Programmer (onsite), United States, PA, Radnor]
  132. 2003-11-24 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] [ [Perl Jobs] Mailing List Code Tweaker (telecommute), United States, NY, New York]
  133. 2003-11-24 Steve Milo <> Subject: [hangout] I meant New Mexico.
  134. 2003-11-24 Steve Milo <> Subject: [hangout] Greetings from Chicago.
  135. 2003-11-23 From: "Steve Milo" <> Subject: [hangout] NYLXS Dinner.
  136. 2003-11-22 Adam Kosmin <> Subject: [hangout] U.S. Courts hires vendor to migrate to Linux/Intel platform
  137. 2003-11-22 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Tripod
  138. 2003-11-22 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] [nylxs-announce] Linux Scene Calender for Today
  139. 2003-11-21 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] Awards
  140. 2003-11-21 Mike Richardson - NYLXS PRESIDENT <> Re: [hangout] Awards
  141. 2003-11-21 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Contact Infor for MRBRKLYN
  142. 2003-11-21 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] SWAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
  143. 2003-11-21 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Re: [hangout] Dinner Speech
  144. 2003-11-21 Michael Richardson <> RE: [hangout] Dinner Speech
  145. 2003-11-21 From: "Steve Milo" <> Subject: [hangout] Taking a step back.
  146. 2003-11-21 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] Attendees count
  147. 2003-11-21 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] Where People are coming from
  148. 2003-11-21 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] NYLXS Literature
  149. 2003-11-21 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Re: [hangout] Need volunteers for Friday night.
  150. 2003-11-21 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] Dinner Speech
  151. 2003-11-21 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Re: [hangout] Awards
  152. 2003-11-20 Mike Richardson - NYLXS PRESIDENT <> Re: [hangout] Tripod
  153. 2003-11-20 Steve Milo <> Subject: [hangout] Tripod
  154. 2003-11-20 Steve Milo <> Subject: [hangout] Awards
  155. 2003-11-20 Steve Milo <> Re: [hangout] Outstanding Issues
  156. 2003-11-20 Joe Villari <> Re: [hangout] Need a copy of osx
  157. 2003-11-20 Michael Richardson <> RE: [hangout] NYLXS Buttons?
  158. 2003-11-20 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] This is my location today if you need me
  159. 2003-11-20 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Outstanding Issues
  160. 2003-11-20 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] NYLXS Buttons?
  161. 2003-11-20 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] Re: [ NYLXS: GNOME SUMMIT - Brooklyn USA NOVEMBER 22-24 ] Pre-Summit activities
  162. 2003-11-20 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] Questions for you on the upcoming Gnome Summit
  163. 2003-11-20 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Re: [hangout] SCO To Expand Its Lawsuit Beyond Linux
  164. 2003-11-20 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] [ [ NYLXS: GNOME SUMMIT - Brooklyn USA NOVEMBER 22-24 ] looking for a place to sleep]
  165. 2003-11-20 Steve Milo <> Subject: [hangout] Need a copy of osx
  166. 2003-11-20 From: "Steve Milo" <> Subject: [hangout] Rob Marino.
  167. 2003-11-20 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] NYLXS Annual Fundraising Dinner Invitation
  168. 2003-11-20 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] NYLXS Annual Fundraising Dinner Invitation
  169. 2003-11-19 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] Re: Summit t-shirts
  170. 2003-11-19 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] Jobs
  171. 2003-11-19 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Re: [hangout] Need volunteers for Friday night.
  172. 2003-11-19 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] Re: [Fwd: hotspot setup]
  173. 2003-11-19 David Sugar <> Re: [hangout] Need volunteers for Friday night.
  174. 2003-11-19 From: "Steve Milo" <> Re: [hangout] Need volunteers for Friday night.
  175. 2003-11-19 From: "Steve Milo" <> Re: [hangout] Need volunteers for Friday night.
  176. 2003-11-19 David Sugar <> Re: [hangout] Need volunteers for Friday night.
  177. 2003-11-19 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] The NYLXS Challenge
  178. 2003-11-19 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] Re: Summit wiki.
  179. 2003-11-19 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Re: [hangout] RE: [ NYLXS: GNOME SUMMIT - Brooklyn USA NOVEMBER 22-24 ] OpenMC U conference setup
  180. 2003-11-19 Mike Richardson - NYLXS PRESIDENT <> Subject: [hangout] GNOME Summit Annoucnement
  181. 2003-11-19 Mike Richardson - NYLXS PRESIDENT <> Re: [hangout] RE: [ NYLXS: GNOME SUMMIT - Brooklyn USA NOVEMBER 22-24 ] OpenMC U conference setup
  182. 2003-11-19 Mike Richardson - NYLXS PRESIDENT <> Re: [hangout] GNOME Summit Annoucnement
  183. 2003-11-19 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Re: [hangout] RE: [ NYLXS: GNOME SUMMIT - Brooklyn USA NOVEMBER 22-24 ] OpenMC U conference setup
  184. 2003-11-18 Mike Richardson - NYLXS PRESIDENT <> Subject: [hangout] RE: [ NYLXS: GNOME SUMMIT - Brooklyn USA NOVEMBER 22-24 ] OpenMC U conference setup
  185. 2003-11-18 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] Kings Games Is Installing GNU/Linux Server for the Plant here
  186. 2003-11-18 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] Gnome Summit Help
  187. 2003-11-18 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] GNOME Summit Annoucnement
  188. 2003-11-18 From: "Steve Milo" <> Re: [hangout] Re: Summit wiki.
  189. 2003-11-18 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] Re: Summit wiki.
  190. 2003-11-18 Re: [hangout] Kings Games chairs.
  191. 2003-11-18 Steve Milo <> Subject: [hangout] Kings Games chairs.
  192. 2003-11-18 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] Re: Summit wiki.
  193. 2003-11-18 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Re: Summit wiki.
  194. 2003-11-25 From: <> Re: [hangout] Conference Congradulations and Acknoledgements
  195. 2003-11-13 From: <> Re: [hangout] The NYLXS Challenge
  196. 2003-11-13 Contrarian <> Re: [hangout] MSN, Google & Linux
  197. 2003-11-13 Contrarian <> Re: [hangout] MSN, Google & Linux
  198. 2003-11-03 From: "akbar pasha" <> Re: [hangout] Gnome and Board Meeting
  199. 2003-11-03 From: "akbar pasha" <> Re: [hangout] Gome
  200. 2003-11-06 From: "Steve Milo" <> Re: [hangout] Re: [DMCA_Discuss] Diebold Voting Case Tests DMCA
  201. 2003-11-06 Mike Richardson - NYLXS PRESIDENT <> Subject: [hangout] Re: [DMCA_Discuss] Diebold Voting Case Tests DMCA

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