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DATE 2001-12-01


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DATE 2001-12-26
FROM Ruben Safir
SUBJECT Subject: [hangout] Lock up all the youngen ones now

Trying to Keep Young Internet Users From a Life of Piracy


hen law enforcement agents seized 129 computers in 27 cities recently
in a coordinated assault on online piracy, they focused much of their
effort on colleges like Duke, the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology and the University of California at Los Angeles.

They were probably too late.

As children have access to computers earlier and earlier in their
educational careers, experts in piracy, hacking and other forms of
Internet mischief say that any effort to tackle the illicit trade in
digital goods - including video games, computer software, music and even
movies - should be looking at a younger crowd.

"By the time we get them, they already believe it's right," said
David J. Farber, a professor of computer science at the University
of Pennsylvania and the former chief technologist of the Federal
Communications Commission "If you're willing to bootleg music, you're
willing to bootleg anything."

In fact, America's rush to the online world has created an enormous
population of ever-younger computer pirates, say experts in the
field. They compare the situation with giving every student a car without
providing drivers' education classes.

"We've got to focus on preparing kids to use the Internet in a safe and
responsible manner," said Nancy E. Willard, director of the Responsible
Netizen Center for Advanced Technology in Education at the University of
Oregon. She has prepared course materials and guides for teaching computer
ethics in secondary schools to help them meet the requirements of the
Children's Internet Protection Act of 2000. The law, which requires
schools and libraries to use filters or similar technology to protect
children from objectionable materials, also requires an "Internet safety
policy" to prevent "unauthorized access, including so-called `hacking,'
and other unlawful activities by minors online."

Online, the searching and trading for wares goes on day and night. In an
online discussion last week using technology known as Internet Relay Chat,
the "warez" channel, or chat room, was busy. Warez is slang for software
that has been "liberated" from encryption. On the channel, rapid-fire
bursts of messages requesting digital goods - games, DVD's, business
software - were interspersed among the random comments and insults:

Queball: "Anyone know where I can a copy Sybex virtual lab . . ."

Porrin: "-at-find 3d studio para *pc*."

Nellie: "Anyone here have save the last dance movie. msg me."

The patter and trading are constant, yet this is small time. Far bigger
players operate quietly with vast storage and bandwidth, cracking the
copyright protection that keep the strings of ones and zeroes that
underlie everything from the video game Tomb Raider to the movie "Harry
Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" and making them available in a limitless
five-finger discount store in the ether.

The recent raids focused mainly on the networks of hard-core traders in a
handful of groups with names like DrinkOrDie, which tended to trade for
fun and not for profit. Among the computers seized were ones belonging
to business executives and administrators of computer networks.

Unauthorized copying and distribution of software is a global headache
for the industry, which claims that more than a third of all business
software used is pirated, according to an annual report commissioned by
the Business Software Alliance, a trade group. In fact, the situation has
improved markedly since 1995, when the figure was closer to half of all
software. In the United States the figure has dropped to 24 percent, the
software. In the United States the figure has dropped to 24 percent, the
lowest rate in the world, because of a vigorous education and enforcement
efforts and until recently a strong economy.

Over all, the cost of business software piracy alone was $11.75 billion in
2000, the group reported, although this amount assumes that any illicitly
used software would otherwise have been bought by users.

The greatest incidence of software piracy, according to industry experts,
occurs in business, where many employees of a firm will share a single
copy of a program. Internet trading pales by comparison, said Bob Kruger,
vice president for enforcement at the Business Software Alliance. But
it constitutes "the biggest threat in the future," he said, "as people
become more accustomed to getting digital works online."

The software industry does not break out the statistics for piracy in
higher education, but "anecdotally, we see a lot of activity coming out of
university areas," said Ric Hirsch, senior vice president for intellectual
property enforcement at the Interactive Digital Software Association,
the trade association representing computer and video game publishers.

Eugene H. Spafford, a professor of computer science and director of
Purdue University's Center for Education and Research in Information
Assurance and Security, said if students lack the ethical preparation
when they begin using the Internet, things quickly spiral out of control
when they reach college, where they have lots of free time, peers they
want to impress and high bandwidth.

That is to be expected, Professor Spafford said, since college is a
time for testing boundaries. "We do encourage them to try new things,
meet new people," he said. "It's not that surprising that they try to
break some of the bounds, and not just in computing."

But fixing the problem would be expensive and intrusive, he said. He
questions whether the monitoring required might be worse than the disease.

"When you have one person who goes bad out of 40,000, do you want to watch
that other 39,999 to catch that one?" Professor Spafford asked. "To find
the people doing the bad things might involve violating the privacy of
all those other people. As a society is that the kind of trade-off we
want to make?"

Professor Farber agreed. Closely monitor students, he warned, and
"pretty soon you'll be looking at what they write and what they read."

Some experts say they wish the corporations pushing for ethical behavior
among customers would show more of it themselves.

Many students bristle at the newest legal tool for protecting copyright,
the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. It has been criticized as heavy
handed, tipping the balance of copyright law away from principles such
as fair use.

Many also note, Professor Willard said, a federal court ruling that
Microsoft (news/quote) had abused its monopoly power.

That is how "Incursion" sees it. The Internet name belonged to a college
student from Texas, who was looking for games recently on the Warez
channel. The student said he generally pays for the software he uses but
does like to sample the goods before buying. "If I feel it's a quality
game," he said, "I'll buy it."

Asked whether using software without paying for it is wrong, he replied,
"depends what you consider wrong." Pressed for further explanation,
he wrote, "A monopoly is wrong."

Taking apart rationalizations like that one are part of what Professor
Willard tries to do in materials that she has prepared for teenagers.

But she added that the argument has power - and that recklessness
and rebellion are not just part of adolescence but of the American
character. "We applaud the U.S. patriots," she said, "who hacked onto
the British tea ship and destroyed their product."

Ultimately, time might be on the companies' side. The environment changes
so quickly that even would- be pirates say they find it hard to keep up.

Jeremy, who goes by the online name "Xelsed" and asks that only his first
name be used, insisted that he did not trade software any more - which
did not explain what he was doing in the Warez channel typing "!gimme
stuff," a request he saw others type and which he figured could lead
to offers. Even if he wanted to, though, he was out of touch, he said,
having not visited the site in several months.

The old formula for a request for software - typing "/xdcc" and then the
name of a program - did not seem to resonate in the current slang. "Now
I really dont know what to do," he types in the hasty, error- riddled
style of instant messages. "I have to face the fact that well i'm dated."

Jeremy said he was 27 and out of college and added that he feels he has
outgrown the warez world.

"To be frank," he wrote, "I think its probably alot easer to buy the
game then to spend the hours neccacery to make `friends' and get into
the sceen."


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New Yorker Linux Users Scene
Fair Use -
because it's either fair use or useless....

  1. 2001-12-30 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Re: [nylug-talk] ebXML vs BizTalk
  2. 2001-12-30 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Re: [nylug-talk] ebXML vs BizTalk
  3. 2001-12-30 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Re: missing create_compressed_fs (fwd)
  4. 2001-12-30 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Re: missing create_compressed_fs (fwd)
  5. 2001-12-30 Billy <> Subject: [hangout] Teacher Appreciation
  6. 2001-12-30 Billy <> Re: [hangout] Color printing
  7. 2001-12-30 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] ] and LINUX exclusion (fwd)
  8. 2001-12-30 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Website Redesign
  9. 2001-12-30 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Website Redesign
  10. 2001-12-30 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Color printing
  11. 2001-12-30 David Sugar <> Re: [hangout] Introduction - Free Software Institute - economic policy
  12. 2001-12-30 Kevin Mark <> Subject: [hangout] Color printing
  13. 2001-12-30 Kevin Mark <> Re: [hangout] Teaching Stipents
  14. 2001-12-29 From: "Alan Wiess" <> Re: [hangout] Teaching Stipents
  15. 2001-12-29 Billy <> Re: [hangout] Teaching Stipents
  16. 2001-12-29 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Taxi
  17. 2001-12-29 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Re: [nylug-talk] Scheduling algorithims...
  18. 2001-12-29 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Teaching Stipents
  19. 2001-12-29 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Website Redesign (fwd)
  20. 2001-12-29 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Re: [nylug-talk] Congrads
  21. 2001-12-29 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Re: [nylug-talk] Congrads
  22. 2001-12-29 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Congrads
  23. 2001-12-29 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Congrads
  24. 2001-12-29 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Website Redesign (fwd)
  25. 2001-12-29 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Website Redesign (fwd)
  26. 2001-12-29 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Web site stats & Redesign
  27. 2001-12-29 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Website Redesign (fwd)
  28. 2001-12-29 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Website Redesign (fwd)
  29. 2001-12-29 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Website Redesign (fwd)
  30. 2001-12-29 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout]
  31. 2001-12-29 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Website Redesign
  32. 2001-12-29 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Website Redesign
  33. 2001-12-29 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Introduction - Free Software Institute
  34. 2001-12-29 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Introduction - Free Software Institute
  35. 2001-12-29 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Introduction - Free Software Institute
  36. 2001-12-29 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Introduction - Free Software Institute
  37. 2001-12-29 Ron Guerin <> Re: [hangout] Teaching Stipents
  38. 2001-12-29 Ron Guerin <> Re: [hangout] Teaching Stipents
  39. 2001-12-29 Billy <> Re: [hangout] Teaching Stipents
  40. 2001-12-29 Re: [hangout] Website Redesign (fwd)
  41. 2001-12-29 Billy <> Re: [hangout] Teaching Stipents
  42. 2001-12-28 Re: [hangout] Website Redesign (fwd)
  43. 2001-12-28 Re: [hangout] Teaching Stipents
  44. 2001-12-28 Re: [hangout] Teaching Stipents
  45. 2001-12-28 Ron Guerin <> Re: [hangout] Website Redesign (fwd)
  46. 2001-12-28 Ron Guerin <> Re: [hangout] Website Redesign (fwd)
  47. 2001-12-28 From: "Alan Wiess" <> Re: [hangout] Website Redesign (fwd)
  48. 2001-12-28 Ron Guerin <> Subject: [hangout] Web site stats & Redesign
  49. 2001-12-28 Ron Guerin <> Re: [hangout] Website Redesign (fwd)
  50. 2001-12-28 From: <> Re: [hangout] Website Redesign (fwd)
  51. 2001-12-28 Subject: [hangout]
  52. 2001-12-28 From: <> Re: [hangout] Website Redesign
  53. 2001-12-28 Paul =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Rodr=EDguez?= <> Subject: [hangout] Introduction - Free Software Institute
  54. 2001-12-28 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Website Redesign
  55. 2001-12-28 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Website Redesign
  56. 2001-12-28 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Apache log with a google entry?
  57. 2001-12-28 Joseph F Grastara <> Re: [hangout] Apache log with a google entry?
  58. 2001-12-28 Joseph F Grastara <> Re: [hangout] Apache log with a google entry?
  59. 2001-12-28 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] NYLXS Introduction
  60. 2001-12-28 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] NYLXS Introduction
  61. 2001-12-28 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Public Relations Committee Introduction
  62. 2001-12-28 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Install Feast
  63. 2001-12-28 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Public Relations Committee Introduction
  64. 2001-12-28 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Public Relations Committee Introduction
  65. 2001-12-28 Joseph F Grastara <> Re: [hangout] Install Feast
  66. 2001-12-28 Joseph F Grastara <> Re: [hangout] Install Feast
  67. 2001-12-28 Joseph F Grastara <> Subject: [hangout] Public Relations Committee Introduction
  68. 2001-12-28 Joseph F Grastara <> Subject: [hangout] Public Relations Committee Introduction
  69. 2001-12-28 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Laptops, Internet and Cell Phones
  70. 2001-12-28 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Laptops, Internet and Cell Phones
  71. 2001-12-28 Joe Villari <> Re: [hangout] Laptops, Internet and Cell Phones
  72. 2001-12-28 Billy <> Re: [hangout] Laptops, Internet and Cell Phones
  73. 2001-12-28 Billy <> Re: [hangout] Laptops, Internet and Cell Phones
  74. 2001-12-28 Vagn Scott <> Re: [hangout] Linux Advisory Watch - December 21st 2001
  75. 2001-12-28 Vagn Scott <> Re: [hangout] Linux Advisory Watch - December 21st 2001
  76. 2001-12-27 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Linux Advisory Watch - December 21st 2001
  77. 2001-12-27 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Laptops, Internet and Cell Phones
  78. 2001-12-27 Billy <> Re: [hangout] Laptops, Internet and Cell Phones
  79. 2001-12-27 Subject: [hangout] NYLXS JOURNAL
  80. 2001-12-27 Subject: [hangout] NYLXS JOURNAL
  81. 2001-12-27 Vagn Scott <> Re: [hangout] Linux Advisory Watch - December 21st 2001
  82. 2001-12-27 Kevin Mark <> Re: [hangout] Laptops, Internet and Cell Phones
  83. 2001-12-27 Joe Villari <> Subject: [hangout] Laptops, Internet and Cell Phones
  84. 2001-12-27 Joe Villari <> Subject: [hangout] Laptops, Internet and Cell Phones
  85. 2001-12-27 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Apache log with a google entry?
  86. 2001-12-27 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Apache log with a google entry?
  87. 2001-12-27 From: "Alan Wiess" <> Re: [hangout] Linux Advisory Watch - December 21st 2001
  88. 2001-12-27 From: "Alan Wiess" <> Re: [hangout] Linux Advisory Watch - December 21st 2001
  89. 2001-12-27 From: "Alan Wiess" <> Re: [hangout] Apache log with a google entry?
  90. 2001-12-27 From: "Alan Wiess" <> Re: [hangout] Apache log with a google entry?
  91. 2001-12-27 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Install Feast
  92. 2001-12-27 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Install Feast
  93. 2001-12-27 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] ANNOUNCEMNT:: GTK Programming Workshop
  94. 2001-12-27 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] ANNOUNCEMNT:: GTK Programming Workshop
  95. 2001-12-27 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Announcement: BLS Advanced Perl Class
  96. 2001-12-27 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Announcement: BLS Advanced Perl Class
  97. 2001-12-27 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] IBM []
  98. 2001-12-27 Brooklyn Linux Solutions CEO <> Subject: [hangout] In Rewritten Internet Fables, the Late Bird Gets the Worm
  99. 2001-12-27 Brooklyn Linux Solutions CEO <> Subject: [hangout] In Rewritten Internet Fables, the Late Bird Gets the Worm
  100. 2001-12-27 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Introducing myself
  101. 2001-12-27 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Introducing myself
  102. 2001-12-27 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Apache log with a google entry?
  103. 2001-12-27 Subject: [hangout] Introducing myself
  104. 2001-12-27 Subject: [hangout] Introducing myself
  105. 2001-12-26 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Re: [fairuse] Re: [wwwac] Hypercapitalism (was: DVD region codes Ti Powerbook Digi)
  106. 2001-12-26 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Re: [fairuse] Re: [wwwac] Hypercapitalism (was: DVD region codes Ti Powerbook Digi)
  107. 2001-12-26 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Committee or Good Project
  108. 2001-12-26 David Katz <> Re: [hangout] Committee or Good Project
  109. 2001-12-26 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Re: [wwwac] Re: DVD region codes Ti Powerbook - End of the Digial Revolution
  110. 2001-12-26 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Re: [wwwac] Re: DVD region codes Ti Powerbook - End of the Digial Revolution
  111. 2001-12-26 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] DVD region codes Ti Powerbook - End of the Digial Revolution
  112. 2001-12-26 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] DVD region codes Ti Powerbook - End of the Digial Revolution
  113. 2001-12-26 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] I guess I'll just accept life as a criminal
  114. 2001-12-26 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] I guess I'll just accept life as a criminal
  115. 2001-12-26 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Teaching Stipents
  116. 2001-12-26 Jay Sulzberger <> Re: [hangout] Linux Advisory Watch - December 21st 2001
  117. 2001-12-26 Jay Sulzberger <> Re: [hangout] Linux Advisory Watch - December 21st 2001
  118. 2001-12-26 Vagn Scott <> Re: [hangout] Linux Advisory Watch - December 21st 2001
  119. 2001-12-26 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] Linux Advisory Watch - December 21st 2001
  120. 2001-12-26 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] Linux Advisory Watch - December 21st 2001
  121. 2001-12-26 Billy <> Re: [hangout] Evolution
  122. 2001-12-26 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Committee Intros
  123. 2001-12-26 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Committee Intros
  124. 2001-12-26 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Re: [wwwac] DVD region codes Ti Powerbook
  125. 2001-12-26 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Re: [wwwac] DVD region codes Ti Powerbook
  126. 2001-12-26 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Evolution
  127. 2001-12-26 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Evolution
  128. 2001-12-26 From: "Brendan W. McAdams" <> Re: [hangout] Evolution
  129. 2001-12-26 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Youngen One's - Lock them all up
  130. 2001-12-26 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Youngen One's - Lock them all up
  131. 2001-12-26 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Lock up all the youngen ones now
  132. 2001-12-26 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Lock up all the youngen ones now
  133. 2001-12-26 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Lock up all the youngen ones now
  134. 2001-12-26 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Lock up all the youngen ones now
  135. 2001-12-25 Brooklyn Linux Solutions CEO <> Subject: [hangout] Linux Advisory Watch - December 21st 2001
  136. 2001-12-25 Brooklyn Linux Solutions CEO <> Subject: [hangout] More SSH vurnability - Exploitation of vulnerability in SSH1 CRC-32
  137. 2001-12-25 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Re:
  138. 2001-12-25 Brooklyn Linux Solutions CEO <> Subject: [hangout] [suse-security-announce] SuSE Security Announcement: glibc/shlibs,
  139. 2001-12-24 Jay Sulzberger <> Re: [hangout] review of lessing book
  140. 2001-12-24 Ron Guerin <> Re: [hangout] NY TIMES site
  141. 2001-12-23 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] NY TIMES site
  142. 2001-12-23 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Re: preview
  143. 2001-12-23 Re: [hangout] Re: preview
  144. 2001-12-23 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] A Cd's Natural Price is $2.00
  145. 2001-12-22 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Re: preview
  146. 2001-12-22 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Fwd: NYLXS.ORG []
  147. 2001-12-22 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Fwd: NYLXS.ORG []
  148. 2001-12-22 From: "Brendan W. McAdams" <> Re: [hangout] Re: preview
  149. 2001-12-22 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Another Introduction: Schoolforge & NYLXS Educational Committee []
  150. 2001-12-22 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Another Introduction: Schoolforge & NYLXS Educational Committee []
  151. 2001-12-22 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] This is soooo cool
  152. 2001-12-22 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Re: preview
  153. 2001-12-22 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] A Cd's Natural Price is $2.00
  154. 2001-12-22 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] A Cd's Natural Price is $2.00
  155. 2001-12-22 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] A Cd's Natural Price is $2.00
  156. 2001-12-22 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] A Cd's Natural Price is $2.00
  157. 2001-12-22 mystor <> Subject: [hangout] Free Fonts for Linux by the 20 score
  158. 2001-12-22 mystor <> Subject: [hangout] Free Fonts for Linux by the 20 score
  159. 2001-12-22 Matthew Hirsch <> Subject: [hangout] review of lessing book
  160. 2001-12-22 Matthew Hirsch <> Subject: [hangout] review of lessing book
  161. 2001-12-22 marco <> Re: [hangout] A Cd's Natural Price is $2.00
  162. 2001-12-22 marco <> Re: [hangout] A Cd's Natural Price is $2.00
  163. 2001-12-22 marco <> Re: [hangout] A Cd's Natural Price is $2.00
  164. 2001-12-21 mystor <> Re: [hangout] A Cd's Natural Price is $2.00
  165. 2001-12-21 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] rsync problem
  166. 2001-12-21 From: "Alan Wiess" <> Re: [hangout] rsync problem
  167. 2001-12-21 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Software Patents
  168. 2001-12-21 Matthew Hirsch <> Subject: [hangout] request for confirm
  169. 2001-12-21 Matthew Hirsch <> Subject: [hangout] request for confirm
  170. 2001-12-21 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] ANNOUNCEMENT: InService on Secure Web Transactions
  171. 2001-12-21 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Fine Tuning Window Display in X
  172. 2001-12-19 Jon Bober <> Re: [hangout] what do you think of this?
  173. 2001-12-19 Jon Bober <> Re: [hangout] Fine Tuning Window Display in X
  174. 2001-12-19 marco <> Subject: [hangout] what do you think of this?
  175. 2001-12-19 marco <> Subject: [hangout] what do you think of this?
  176. 2001-12-19 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Fwd: [fairuse-discuss] To amuse you []
  177. 2001-12-19 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Fwd: [fairuse-discuss] To amuse you []
  178. 2001-12-19 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Re: [nylug-talk] easy way to delete specific type of files on disk
  179. 2001-12-19 Matthew Hirsch <> Subject: [hangout] clean up the projects...
  180. 2001-12-19 Matthew Hirsch <> Subject: [hangout] clean up the projects...
  181. 2001-12-18 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Fwd: LinuxWorld New York 2002 []
  182. 2001-12-18 Jon Bober <> Re: [hangout] DMCA'd CD Recordings
  183. 2001-12-18 Jon Bober <> Re: [hangout] DMCA'd CD Recordings
  184. 2001-12-18 David Sugar <> Re: [hangout] VPN's threatened by Cable companies
  185. 2001-12-18 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] VPN's threatened by Cable companies
  186. 2001-12-18 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] VPN's threatened by Cable companies
  187. 2001-12-18 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Re: [fairuse-discuss] DMCA'd CD Recordings
  188. 2001-12-18 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Re: [fairuse-discuss] DMCA'd CD Recordings
  189. 2001-12-18 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] DMCA'd CD Recordings
  190. 2001-12-18 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] DMCA'd CD Recordings
  191. 2001-12-18 Vagn Scott <> Re: [hangout] rsync problem
  192. 2001-12-18 Vagn Scott <> Re: [hangout] rsync problem
  193. 2001-12-18 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] rsync problem
  194. 2001-12-18 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Last Perl Class - Thanks for the good times
  195. 2001-12-18 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Last Perl Class - Thanks for the good times
  196. 2001-12-18 Brooklyn Linux Solutions CEO <> Re: [hangout] rsync problem
  197. 2001-12-18 Brooklyn Linux Solutions CEO <> Re: [hangout] rsync problem
  198. 2001-12-18 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] VPN's threatened by Cable companies
  199. 2001-12-18 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] VPN's threatened by Cable companies
  200. 2001-12-18 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] VPN's threatened by Cable companies
  201. 2001-12-18 Joe Villari <> Subject: [hangout] Fine Tuning Window Display in X
  202. 2001-12-18 Joe Villari <> Subject: [hangout] Fine Tuning Window Display in X
  203. 2001-12-18 From: "Michael M. L. Broggy" <> Re: [hangout] rsync problem
  204. 2001-12-18 From: "Michael M. L. Broggy" <> Re: [hangout] rsync problem
  205. 2001-12-18 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Lobby NOW - Congress Open For Business
  206. 2001-12-18 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Lobby NOW - Congress Open For Business
  207. 2001-12-18 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Committee Workshop
  208. 2001-12-18 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Committee Workshop
  209. 2001-12-18 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] rsync problem
  210. 2001-12-16 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] New Sys Admin Mag
  211. 2001-12-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Fair Use meeting with Congressman Weiner
  212. 2001-12-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Fair Use meeting with Congressman Weiner
  213. 2001-12-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout]
  214. 2001-12-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout]
  215. 2001-12-13 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Now Cross P2P platform
  216. 2001-12-13 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Now Cross P2P platform
  217. 2001-12-12 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Committee or Good Project
  218. 2001-12-12 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Committee or Good Project
  219. 2001-12-11 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Re: [nylug-talk] suggest couse learning Linux or Unix
  220. 2001-12-10 Adam Kosmin <> Re: [hangout] Committee or Good Project
  221. 2001-12-10 From: <> Re: [hangout] Committee or Good Project
  222. 2001-12-10 From: <> Re: [hangout] Committee or Good Project
  223. 2001-12-10 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Tulip drivers
  224. 2001-12-10 From: <> Re: [hangout] Tulip drivers
  225. 2001-12-10 From: <> Re: [hangout] Tulip drivers
  226. 2001-12-10 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Committee or Good Project
  227. 2001-12-09 Billy <> Re: [hangout] Committee or Good Project
  228. 2001-12-09 Brooklyn Linux Solutions CEO <> Re: [hangout] NYC targeted for a Nuke
  229. 2001-12-09 Billy <> Re: [hangout] NYC targeted for a Nuke
  230. 2001-12-09 Billy <> Re: [hangout] Committee or Good Project
  231. 2001-12-09 Billy <> Re: [hangout] Committee or Good Project
  232. 2001-12-09 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Committee or Good Project
  233. 2001-12-09 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] glimmer
  234. 2001-12-09 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Linux World Expo
  235. 2001-12-09 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Oh Please... is everyone just dumb as a rock
  236. 2001-12-09 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Linux World Expo
  237. 2001-12-09 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Job Searching
  238. 2001-12-09 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Job Searching
  239. 2001-12-08 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Oh Please... is everyone just dumb as a rock
  240. 2001-12-08 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Oh Please... is everyone just dumb as a rock
  241. 2001-12-08 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Linux World Expo
  242. 2001-12-08 Jon Bober <> Re: [hangout] Linux World Expo
  243. 2001-12-08 Ron Guerin <> Re: [hangout] Stallman re: Information Producers Initiative
  244. 2001-12-08 Ron Guerin <> Re: [hangout] Linux World Expo
  245. 2001-12-08 From: "Ruben" <> Subject: [hangout] [comp.mail.sendmail] Re: Sendmail via LInuxconf
  246. 2001-12-08 From: "Ruben" <> Subject: [hangout] [comp.mail.sendmail] Re: Sendmail via LInuxconf
  247. 2001-12-08 From: "Ruben" <> Subject: [hangout] [comp.mail.sendmail] Re: Sendmail via LInuxconf
  248. 2001-12-08 Ron Guerin <> Re: [hangout] Committee or Good Project
  249. 2001-12-08 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Stallman re: Information Producers Initiative
  250. 2001-12-08 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Stallman re: Information Producers Initiative
  251. 2001-12-08 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Committee or Good Project
  252. 2001-12-08 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Committee or Good Project
  253. 2001-12-08 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Committee or Good Project
  254. 2001-12-08 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Linux World Expo
  255. 2001-12-08 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Re: [nylug-talk] Linksys Module Compile
  256. 2001-12-08 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Re: [nylug-talk] Linksys Module Compile
  257. 2001-12-08 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Re: nylxs bylaws
  258. 2001-12-08 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Sendmail
  259. 2001-12-08 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Linux World Expo
  260. 2001-12-08 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Committee or Good Project
  261. 2001-12-08 marco <> Re: [hangout] Committee or Good Project
  262. 2001-12-08 David Sugar <> Re: [hangout] Stallman re: Information Producers Initiative
  263. 2001-12-08 David Sugar <> Re: [hangout] Stallman re: Information Producers Initiative
  264. 2001-12-08 Jon Britton <> Re: [hangout] Stallman re: Information Producers Initiative
  265. 2001-12-08 Jon Britton <> Re: [hangout] Stallman re: Information Producers Initiative
  266. 2001-12-08 Jon Bober <> Re: [hangout] Committee or Good Project
  267. 2001-12-08 Jon Bober <> Re: [hangout] Committee or Good Project
  268. 2001-12-08 marco <> Re: [hangout] Committee or Good Project
  269. 2001-12-08 Ron Guerin <> Re: [hangout] Committee or Good Project
  270. 2001-12-07 Ron Guerin <> Re: [hangout] Linux World Expo
  271. 2001-12-07 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Committee or Good Project
  272. 2001-12-07 From: <> Subject: [hangout] Committee or Good Project
  273. 2001-12-07 From: <> Subject: [hangout] Committee or Good Project
  274. 2001-12-07 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Attention LDP authors and would-be authors...
  275. 2001-12-07 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Attention LDP authors and would-be authors...
  276. 2001-12-07 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Stallman re: Information Producers Initiative
  277. 2001-12-07 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Stallman re: Information Producers Initiative
  278. 2001-12-07 Ron Guerin <> Subject: [hangout] Attention LDP authors and would-be authors...
  279. 2001-12-07 Brooklyn Linux Solutions CEO <> Re: [hangout] dhcp renewal
  280. 2001-12-07 Brian Seitz <> Re: [hangout] Linksys Module Compile
  281. 2001-12-07 Brian Seitz <> Re: [hangout] Linksys Module Compile
  282. 2001-12-07 Jon Bober <> Re: [hangout] Re: nylxs bylaws
  283. 2001-12-07 Jon Bober <> Re: [hangout] Re: nylxs bylaws
  284. 2001-12-07 Ron Guerin <> Re: [hangout] Re: nylxs bylaws
  285. 2001-12-07 Jon Bober <> Subject: [hangout] dhcp renewal
  286. 2001-12-07 Jon Bober <> Subject: [hangout] dhcp renewal
  287. 2001-12-07 Jon Bober <> Re: [hangout] Linksys Module Compile
  288. 2001-12-07 Jon Bober <> Re: [hangout] Linksys Module Compile
  289. 2001-12-07 Jon Bober <> Re: [hangout] || Is Your Son a Computer Hacker?
  290. 2001-12-07 Jon Bober <> Re: [hangout] || Is Your Son a Computer Hacker?
  291. 2001-12-07 Jon Bober <> Re: [hangout] Re: nylxs bylaws
  292. 2001-12-07 Jon Bober <> Re: [hangout] Re: nylxs bylaws
  293. 2001-12-07 Ron Guerin <> Re: [hangout]
  294. 2001-12-07 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout]
  295. 2001-12-07 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout]
  296. 2001-12-07 Ron Guerin <> Re: [hangout]
  297. 2001-12-07 Ron Guerin <> Re: [hangout]
  298. 2001-12-07 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout]
  299. 2001-12-07 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout]
  300. 2001-12-07 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout]
  301. 2001-12-06 Michael Osten <> Re: [hangout] Sendmail
  302. 2001-12-06 From: "Michael H. Collins" <> Subject: [hangout] || Is Your Son a Computer Hacker?
  303. 2001-12-06 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Fwd: a new modperl book: mod_perl Developer's Cookbook []
  304. 2001-12-06 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Fwd: pine & pop3 []
  305. 2001-12-06 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Fwd: pine & pop3 []
  306. 2001-12-06 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Last nights meeting
  307. 2001-12-05 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Fwd: Update for Quarantining Malicious Outlook Attachments []
  308. 2001-12-05 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Sendmail
  309. 2001-12-05 Vagn Scott <> Re: [hangout] Sendmail
  310. 2001-12-04 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Sendmail
  311. 2001-12-04 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Announcement: NYLXS In-Service Lecture Wireless Networking
  312. 2001-12-04 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Announcement: NYLXS In-Service Lecture Wireless Networking
  313. 2001-12-03 Ari Jort <> Re: [hangout] X Server Configuration
  314. 2001-12-03 Ari Jort <> Re: [hangout] X Server Configuration
  315. 2001-12-02 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] New York City Noon Monday 3 December 2001: Rally to Free Dmitry Sklyarov
  316. 2001-12-02 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Fwd: Re: Linux Intenation []
  317. 2001-12-02 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Fwd: Re: your study []
  318. 2001-12-02 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Fwd: Re: your study []
  319. 2001-12-02 Ron Guerin <> Re: [hangout] WebSite changes
  320. 2001-12-02 Ron Guerin <> Re: [hangout] WebSite changes
  321. 2001-12-02 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] WebSite changes
  322. 2001-12-02 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] WebSite changes
  323. 2001-12-02 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Apologies and threats
  324. 2001-12-02 Jay Sulzberger <> Re: [hangout] Apologies and threats
  325. 2001-12-02 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] New FAQ
  326. 2001-12-02 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] New FAQ
  327. 2001-12-02 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Re: [nylug-talk] Slackware Kernel Question
  328. 2001-12-02 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Re: [nylug-talk] Slackware Kernel Question
  329. 2001-12-02 Brooklyn Linux Solutions CEO <> Subject: [hangout]
  330. 2001-12-02 Brooklyn Linux Solutions CEO <> Subject: [hangout]
  331. 2001-12-02 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] The Digital Divide
  332. 2001-12-02 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] The Digital Divide
  333. 2001-12-02 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] When Civilizations Clash
  334. 2001-12-02 Adam Kosmin <> Re: [hangout] We are just not doing enough...
  335. 2001-12-02 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout]
  336. 2001-12-02 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout]
  337. 2001-12-01 Jon <> Re: [hangout] We are just not doing enough...
  338. 2001-12-01 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] December 5th Agenda
  339. 2001-12-01 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] December 5th Agenda

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