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DATE 2023-05-01


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DATE 2023-05-14
FROM Ruben Safir
SUBJECT Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
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Subject: Re: Human & ape evolution
From: JTEM
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Xref: panix wrote:

> Show me what textbooks teach that our ancestors went into
> savanna to chase antelopes?

Why? Are you a child? You were never exposed to such an idea?

I'm calling you a liar. I'm denouncing you as a lying troll.

I'm not going to establish the well established. Narcissist obstruct.
You're a raging narcissist.

Fuck off.

> > It's not a straw man. "Da bipedalism came in trees" is pretty new
> > and idiotic.

> It is Marcs favorite straw man.

No. It's idiocy that he argues against.

> > The good Doctor sees this as evidence for "Aquaboreal," I see it as
> > evidence for an animal existing in number of environments... the
> > forest where such traits are very useful, outside the forests where
> > bipedalism was most useful.
> >
> > There's very strong evidence for this, btw. If you want to talk
> > "Popular," the idea that australopithecus occupied a wide range,
> > a number of environments is "Popular."

> Yes

"Environments" is plural.... more than one environment.

> What? I do read scientific articles

I doubt that. And you can't read usenet posts for comprehension, there's
no point is pretending you read & understand scientific papers.

> So eggs, birds, meat, seeds and nuts contain no DHA?

No. None. They contain radioactive isotopes that destroy DHA.

If you want to make a case for your terrestrial DHA,. make it. STOP
asking me or anyone else to make it for you.

> > Coastal dispersal.

> Also nearby coast is useful, tidal forces can bring or help to trap lot
> of useful things. But living on coast is hard, forest near coast is
> lot better and safer.

So they were dead on the coast. "Coastal Dispersal," is in your mind
when dead ancestors walked everywhere from Sundaland to South
Africa, and every point in between... dead.

And certainly not eating!

I mean, how can dead ancestors eat?

-- --
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Hangout mailing list

  1. 2023-05-03 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] healthcare security
  2. 2023-05-02 From: "Free Software Foundation" <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Announcing the FSF's board candidates
  3. 2023-05-01 From: "American Numismatic Society" <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] =?utf-8?q?This_week_at_the_ANS=E2=80=94May_5?=
  4. 2023-05-08 Gabor Szabo <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] [Perlweekly] #615 - PTS - Perl Toolchain Summit
  5. 2023-05-08 From: "" Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] All Stakeholders Meeting
  6. 2023-05-10 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Weaponing the Justice system continues
  7. 2023-05-12 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] OMNY disaster
  8. 2023-05-12 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] c and c++ program
  9. 2023-05-13 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] I don't know - Rock and Roll
  10. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] COVID and the Chasidim
  11. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  12. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Human & ape evolution
  13. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  14. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  15. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  16. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  17. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  18. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  19. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  20. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  21. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  22. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  23. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  24. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  25. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  26. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  27. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  28. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  29. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  30. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  31. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  32. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  33. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  34. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  35. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  36. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  37. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  38. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  39. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  40. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  41. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  42. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  43. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  44. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  45. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  46. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  47. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  48. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  49. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  50. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  51. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  52. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  53. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  54. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  55. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  56. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  57. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  58. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  59. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  60. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  61. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  62. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  63. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  64. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  65. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  66. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  67. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  68. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  69. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  70. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  71. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  72. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  73. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  74. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  75. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  76. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  77. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  78. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  79. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  80. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  81. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  82. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  83. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  84. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  85. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  86. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] (fwd) Re: Human & ape evolution
  87. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Fwd: why bash in $0 ?
  88. 2023-05-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Fwd: Re: why bash in $0 ?
  89. 2023-05-15 Gabor Szabo <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] [Perlweekly] #616 - Camel in India
  90. 2023-05-15 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] WSJ Legal Notices
  91. 2023-05-16 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] OK - We are here.... Thank You COVID
  92. 2023-05-15 From: "American Numismatic Society" <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] =?utf-8?q?This_week_at_the_ANS=E2=80=94May_19?=
  93. 2023-05-27 Joel Brobecker <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] GDB 13.2 released!
  94. 2023-05-26 From: "American Numismatic Society" <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Join us for today's Long Table with David
  95. 2023-05-29 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Blue Ribbon Panel
  96. 2023-05-29 From: "American Numismatic Society" <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] =?utf-8?q?This_week_at_the_ANS=E2=80=94June_2?=
  97. 2023-05-29 Gabor Szabo <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] [Perlweekly] #618 - Conference Season?
  98. 2023-05-30 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Fwd: One Year MBA in HC,
  99. 2023-05-31 Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] Weaponing the Justice system continues | |
  100. 2023-05-31 Ruben Safir <> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] Weaponing the Justice system continues | |
  101. 2023-05-31 From: "Chaim Desser" <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] current positions to fill

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